Thursday, March 24, 2011

What’s the big deal?

Recently the Texas legislature voted that in order to vote in the state of Texas you need to be able to prove that you are who you say you are and provide identification. Democrats are arguing that requiring people to show picture ID is equal to voter suppression. This is ridiculous!!! Help me understand why it's an encumbrance to show ID in order to vote when you have to show ID to buy beer, watch some movies, etc and so on. I'm sitting here watching this idiot on the news harping on the fact that one of the acceptable forms of ID is a passport. She said, "How many people who work at McDonald's go to Europe every year and have a passport?" She further argued that having to show a birth certificate to get a state issued ID will cause some people to simply not vote.

Let me make myself perfectly clear, I totally agree that everyone who is seeks to exercise their right to vote ought to be required to establish their identity by producing identification when they show up to the polls. What's the alternative? Having my brothers and sisters come to Dallas to vote for me from Louisiana when I run for mayor? Having a son vote for his parents after they are deceased? Having felons votes even though they lost that right when they were convicted of their crime(s)? Having folks who aren't citizens enjoying yet another right of those of us who are citizens (along with all the others they already enjoy)? Arguing voter disenfranchisement, which is just code word for later calling it racial discrimination, is crap!!! Arguing that it's a hardship to have identification is crap!!! Arguing that you shouldn't have to have ID to practice such an important right we have as Americans is ludicrous!!! It's a right I practice whether the vote is for president, mayor or dog catcher, that's how important it is to me. It's just as important that mine counts for something. Having others enjoy that right who might not be worthy of that right makes mine worthless. So…if you want to vote, have a voice in your community, shape the future of your city, county (parish), state, and country then you need to get a driver's license, state issued id card or a passport. If you can't prove who you are, then you don't need to vote, plain and simple... stay home and complain about what's going on in the community.

It's Just My Opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Planned Parenthood Defunded…good or bad?

Recently I was involved in a discussion with some folks with regards to the republicans choosing to defund Planned Parenthood. They want to take all federal funds away from them under one proposal and in another; they'd lose a substantial amount of their federal funds. One young lady was floored by the decision, saying that they provide very important services to the community. Planned Parenthood brings to the community such services as free or low cost annual exams for women, information on feminine health as well as counseling on taking care of themselves. Planned Parenthood also provides contraceptives to the community so that they can do what their name implies 'Plan' when they become parents. However, the issue that caused them to lose funding is their refusal to agree not to use federal funds for performing abortions. You see, for many years Planned Parenthood has provided very important service to the community that aren't controversial at all, but they still insist on providing such controversial services as abortion for birth control.

Let me make my position very clear, I am not a supporter of abortion when it is used as a birth control option. I'm one of those folks who believe that abortion should be restricted to cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother is in jeopardy. On another note, I still believe it is the final decision of the woman and you won't find me picketing any abortion clinics or trying to convince anyone, who hasn't asked for my opinion, not to have an abortion. I also have issue with the decision being SOLELY up to the woman and the father having no say in whether the abortion is performed or not [another blog for another day]. That being said, I have no issue with the federal government cutting their funding. While I believe it's not my business or my decision whether someone wants to have an abortion, I believe it is my business if my tax money is providing the abortions. All this aside, check the stats, what's the number one killer of black folks? If you want an abortion, it is legal, it is your right, it is your decision, but it is also at your expense…as it should be.

It's Just My Opinion, But I'm Not Wrong!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Apologize for What?!?!?!

A couple of nights ago the Dallas County Commissioner’s court had a train of citizens, mostly from the Tea Party and mostly white, lined up at the microphone to speak out against John Wiley Price. As he had in weeks prior, he listened, made a few faces and allowed them to speak. They are citizens and allowed to speak to their elected officials about their concerns, so they were within their rights. What I respect about this man is the fact that he didn’t stay in an office in the back while he was maligned, accused of malfeasance and corruption for wielding the power he has on the court to force the resignation of a county employee. Yes, he exhibited various facial expressions and body language as an exhibition of his displeasure and disagreement, but he sat there and listened. Then one of the speakers decided to antagonize Mr. Price by calling him a name, repeatedly. Certainly they’re claiming that he misunderstood what they were saying and they didn’t mean it the way he took it. They’re saying that they were using a word that meant some sort of educated Muslim who’s in power, or whatever [Mullah], rather than moolie, the word Price perceived them to say, which is a derogatory racist term. After he used the term several times Price erupted and told him to go to hell. He then lost his cool and said, "Why are all the speakers white?" And then, "All of you are white. Go to hell." What bothers me is the fact that media outlets like the Dallas Morning News, Fox4News and others are saying that Price should apologize. That he, as an elected official should have kept his cool; that he shouldn’t even have called one of the chief antagonists “…fat boy”. Heather Hayes, during an interview with him, really aggravated me when she asked him, “Don’t you think you should apologize for telling all white people to go to hell?” What?!?!?! When did he say all white people go to hell? He was speaking specifically to white people in the room who were antagonizing him.
Sadly, no one is making light of the chicanery carried out by the guy who continually baited Price. While some could have, and would have, kept their cool; I’m glad he didn’t… I’m glad he went off on them…I’m glad he let them know that there are some buttons you just don’t push. Too often punks like this guy and his group of imbecilic morons take someone to task and then act like they didn’t do anything at all. The only thing better for me to see for people like this, is to see them get the occasional broken nose or fractured jaw. The look on their face is classic when they get what they ultimately deserve, a good beat down. Don’t get me wrong, those who know me know that I’m in no way a proponent of John Wiley Price, but I loathe those who antagonize to no end then act like they don’t know why someone goes off on them. Stand firm on your unapologetic ego and don’t offer them anything as an apology. Then again, your apology can say, “I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for my actions during the Dallas County Commissioner’s court this past week. What transpired was not acceptable and should not have taken place. I can assure you that if placed in this same situation again, I will most definitely handle myself in a proper fashion and knock one of them out…hopefully they might wake up with some sense.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tiger Mom…is She All That Bad?

I have been reading a bit about a mom who's referenced as a 'Tiger Mom.' This is because she aggressively takes part in the life of her children. She has very high standards for her kids and keeps them busy in various activities. Unfortunately, we live in a society where the mothers of the 'Princess boy' and those others who are permissive in raising their kids. I would much rather see a bunch of parents like the 'Tiger Mom' than those who not only allow their kids to do whatever they want to, but also encourage unhealthy choices and lifestyles. You see, while some may criticize this mother's relationship with her kids, she has their best interest at heart. She is instilling in them a great work ethic as well as encouraging activities that cultivate culture and make well rounded kids. I've said before that we are too lenient on our kids in this country and we wonder why the 'tech jobs' that pay well and require a higher level of education and dedication are always held by people other than Americans. I can tell you why, we keep using the phrases, '…they need to be kids' or '…they need this time to rest'. Unfortunately this is one of those situations where the kids suffer in the end.
You see, we need to get back to the way it used to be when parents were parents and kids knew who was the boss of the house. Today we have parents who desire to be friends with their kids and allow them to make entirely too many decisions that should be made by their parents. I'll reiterate in this posting as I did in the past, parents need to be parents and assure that kids are kids…with a structured childhood. Boundaries show them that they can't simply do whatever they want to, when they want to, how they want to. They show them that they need to make decisions, prioritize and take the feelings of others in to account. They'll know that they have someone who loves them enough to make some decisions for them…in their best interest. Tiger mom I applaud you…keep doing what you're doing and I look forward to the major impact that your kids will have on this society. We need more mothers like you in this country…

Orville P Cottlethorpe IV

It's Just My Opinion But I'm Not Wrong!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Standards? What standards?

We are living in a society where today standards are simply suggestions that can be discussed and tossed aside, or ignored altogether. We have rising numbers of youth and children who are committing suicide and basically not knowing how to handle it when some issue in life doesn’t go their way. It’s sad when you look at a school district that makes a rule that everyone who tries out for an interscholastic sport must make the team and must get playing time. It’s disgusting to hear educators say that they aren’t allowed to fail students even if they didn’t do the work, didn’t try to do the work and basically didn’t care. What are e teaching our youth? That no matter what, everything will be ok…that they don’t have to put forth any effort and they’ll still get what everyone else gets? I recently attended a sports banquet for kids where they gave trophies to every play on every team. Whatever happened to the old adage ‘to the winners go the spoils’? I came up (not too long ago) in an era where if you won you got a trophy and if you lost, you tried harder next year. What you basically learn from this is that everything just ain’t for you (yes I used ain’t)! If you’re 4’11” and in the 11th grade with no dribbling skills and no vertical then you have no business on the basketball team. Perhaps the chess club would be better suited for you…or perhaps debate. There’s a suburban school here in Texas where they allowed a male cheerleader to wear the same uniform as the female cheerleaders, skirt and spanks included, and thought that was acceptable. I ask again, what are we teaching our youth? What kind of world are we creating? Yes, we live in a free country, but just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should. All things that are possible aren’t always permissible. That’s just my take on it.
Aside from the previously stated social ills, let’s also look at the educational permissibility. I spoke to a kid who told me that the teachers at his school aren’t allowed to fail students. They get a 60 for simply putting their name and date on the assignments and tests. The worst they can do is a D…the school district doesn’t want them to feel bad if they don’t pass or make the same grades as their peers. Yet they have no problems not allowing them to graduate when they can’t pass the standardized tests; interesting concept there. I heard an interview this morning on the drive in with an Army recruiting specialist. She advised that many high school graduates aren’t even equipped to serve their country. In a study over the past five years 40% of black, 25% of Hispanic and 16 of white high school graduates could not pass the Army entrance exam. This is preposterous! These folks are supposed to be ready for the world right? If they can’t pass the Army entrance exam, then they obviously aren’t ready for the workforce either; since jobs in the military closely mirror jobs in civilian life to a certain extent. The saddest thing was the first question from her interviewer was, “So, why doesn’t the Army just lower their standards?” What?!?!?! Why is it when someone doesn’t reach the mark we decide that the standards need to be lowered? Why not keep the higher level of expectation and give out youth something to reach for...something to work toward? I’ve said for years that the reason why we have so many people in the highest level tech jobs in this country born outside of this country is because the American educational system is failing our country. This is true, but perhaps Mr. Jamil was right as well when he made the statement back in 1988…Americans are lazy! Lazy! Lazy! Lazy! Why else do we give our kids 2 to 3 months off each year from learning when the rest of the world educates year round? Why else do we make rules about teachers not being able to fail kids? Why else would we have sports organizations for kids where they don’t keep score and give trophies to everyone? Why else would we stipulate acceptance for whatever it is that you want to be, think or do?
What these ‘save your self confidence’, ‘don’t hurt my kid’s self esteem’ idiots fail to realize is success is born out of failure. You can’t learn the right way if you have no knowledge of wrong. You cannot improve your game and win next year if you have no incentive to do so. We need to let our kids fail and teach them, in that failure, how to deal with it and use it to propel them to success. No one likes the feeling you get when you give your all and it just isn’t enough…so work harder next time to make sure you don’t get that feeling again. People, stop lowering standards…set some standards, high standards, live by those standards and do your part to create a stronger society than the one we’re headed toward now.

-Harvey J. Whipplemeyer

It’s Just My Opinion, But I’m Not Wrong!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where is Your Honor?

    One year ago today, the worst natural disaster that we can remember occurred. An earthquake hit Haiti. In the wake of the quake, many people pledged funds, help, assistance, or whatever. Now, one year later the country is still in ruins, people are still living in tents and many of the pledges that were promised go unpaid. I'm the last person who will look at a situation I'm in and say someone owes me something. I believe it was Mark Twain who said, "…the world owes you nothing. They were here first." However, I do believe if you say that you'll do something, if you say that you'll give something, then you ought to do just that. There are many things that can be stripped from us, stolen from us, taken from us or given away; our word isn't one of them. When you give your word, when you say that you'll do something then it ought to be done.

    The US pledged over a billion dollars to aide in Haitian relief. Now we hear that certain legislators who don't agree with a decision that was made by majority vote on the open floor are blocking those funds from going to where they need to go. Other countries pledged funds that are being held up either by this type of foolishness or because they never had it to give in the first place, but were flossing and trying to look good in the world's eyes. If you're reading this posting that means you have electricity, access to a pc/internet, probably have a roof over your head, clothes to wear and food to eat. This puts you in a better position than most of the country of Haiti. Many of these people are still living in tents. Women and little girls are not able to sleep well at night for fear of being raped because they cannot lock a door.

    The people of Haiti are still reaching for someone to help them just like the man in the picture that became one of the many faces of Haiti immediately after the disaster hit. I'm not saying you owe anyone anything, but I am saying if you said you were gonna do it…then do it.

It's Just My Opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Princess Boy…For Real?

The other day I was appalled by an interview that was on the Today show. It started like any other one, with a normal looking mother talking about a book she'd written. Then it took a turn when they started focusing on the 5 year old child she had with her. You see Cheryl Kilodavis had written a book about her child, Dyson. Dyson sat beside her, looking like any other cute little 5 year old girl. There was only one problem…she wasn't a 5 year old girl, but a 5 year old boy. This young boy had been dressed in girl's clothing; hair fashioned like a little girl and was exhibiting the mannerisms of a little girl, all with the support and encouragement of his mother. What the hell?!?!?!?! It's one thing for a young man/woman to make a decision in their life that they are homosexual, but for a parent to fashion their son to be gay is preposterous. Then she's exploiting her child by parading him across stages, to television shows, and even wrote a book about it. I know that some will read this post (and possibly my last) and say that I'm a gay basher; that I'm a homophobe, or anything along those lines. What you might want to do is reread this post and my last one before making those assertions. Both exhibit disdain for the same thing; taking advantage of impressionable young people and their sexuality/sexual identity. In this case it's the worst kind, a parent screwing her child's mind up.

Parenting is an awesome responsibility that is bestowed upon us. We are tasked with teaching babies that grow into children that grow into youth everything they need to know in order to live happy, productive lives as adults. In the George Washington case, you have a university faculty and NCAA using the confusion of a post-pubescent young lady to garner headlines for a basketball program that otherwise wouldn't get much press. In this instance you have an idiotic, opportunistic woman who's leading her prepubescent son into utter confusion as she says he's identifying himself sexually as a girl…AT FOUR?!?!?!?! Come on man! This heifer wrote a book about it, parades him from talk show to interview to radio show and even says she desires for parents of other little princess boys to start clubs around the world. Really lady? Really?!?!?! How about you get a job and stop doing this to your kid? What happens when he gets to by 15 and realizes that he's been acting like a sissy to please his mother and really likes girls and wants to be a boy? Who's going to teach him to 'act like a man' then? Or will you simply tell him that he's bowing to societal pressures? If it were up to me your son would be in foster care and you'd be incarcerated for child abuse. No 4 or 5 year old knows anything about whether they are a boy trapped in a girl's body or vice versa; this is simply a deranged woman who already has an older son and wants a daughter.

I'm personally offended at the notion that she is allowed to do this and even more offended that our society has stopped to such a level that we're supporting this ludicrosity by giving her the airtime and print coverage [with encouragement] to do this to her own child. She says it about acceptance; I say BALDERDASH mam and plenty of it. You know what I may have spoken too soon; it is about acceptance. Acceptance of another interview to put on another dog and pony show…acceptance of another deal to write another book to keep the checks coming in…acceptance of another opportunity to profit off of the confusion that you've created in the mid of this poor little boy. Acceptance of anything she can get at the expense of her son's well being. I'm not a gay basher, homophobe or anything of the sort…but let your child make his/her own decision and be a parent to them, not a pimp.

It's Just My Opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!!!