Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where is Your Honor?

    One year ago today, the worst natural disaster that we can remember occurred. An earthquake hit Haiti. In the wake of the quake, many people pledged funds, help, assistance, or whatever. Now, one year later the country is still in ruins, people are still living in tents and many of the pledges that were promised go unpaid. I'm the last person who will look at a situation I'm in and say someone owes me something. I believe it was Mark Twain who said, "…the world owes you nothing. They were here first." However, I do believe if you say that you'll do something, if you say that you'll give something, then you ought to do just that. There are many things that can be stripped from us, stolen from us, taken from us or given away; our word isn't one of them. When you give your word, when you say that you'll do something then it ought to be done.

    The US pledged over a billion dollars to aide in Haitian relief. Now we hear that certain legislators who don't agree with a decision that was made by majority vote on the open floor are blocking those funds from going to where they need to go. Other countries pledged funds that are being held up either by this type of foolishness or because they never had it to give in the first place, but were flossing and trying to look good in the world's eyes. If you're reading this posting that means you have electricity, access to a pc/internet, probably have a roof over your head, clothes to wear and food to eat. This puts you in a better position than most of the country of Haiti. Many of these people are still living in tents. Women and little girls are not able to sleep well at night for fear of being raped because they cannot lock a door.

    The people of Haiti are still reaching for someone to help them just like the man in the picture that became one of the many faces of Haiti immediately after the disaster hit. I'm not saying you owe anyone anything, but I am saying if you said you were gonna do it…then do it.

It's Just My Opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!

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