Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Princess Boy…For Real?

The other day I was appalled by an interview that was on the Today show. It started like any other one, with a normal looking mother talking about a book she'd written. Then it took a turn when they started focusing on the 5 year old child she had with her. You see Cheryl Kilodavis had written a book about her child, Dyson. Dyson sat beside her, looking like any other cute little 5 year old girl. There was only one problem…she wasn't a 5 year old girl, but a 5 year old boy. This young boy had been dressed in girl's clothing; hair fashioned like a little girl and was exhibiting the mannerisms of a little girl, all with the support and encouragement of his mother. What the hell?!?!?!?! It's one thing for a young man/woman to make a decision in their life that they are homosexual, but for a parent to fashion their son to be gay is preposterous. Then she's exploiting her child by parading him across stages, to television shows, and even wrote a book about it. I know that some will read this post (and possibly my last) and say that I'm a gay basher; that I'm a homophobe, or anything along those lines. What you might want to do is reread this post and my last one before making those assertions. Both exhibit disdain for the same thing; taking advantage of impressionable young people and their sexuality/sexual identity. In this case it's the worst kind, a parent screwing her child's mind up.

Parenting is an awesome responsibility that is bestowed upon us. We are tasked with teaching babies that grow into children that grow into youth everything they need to know in order to live happy, productive lives as adults. In the George Washington case, you have a university faculty and NCAA using the confusion of a post-pubescent young lady to garner headlines for a basketball program that otherwise wouldn't get much press. In this instance you have an idiotic, opportunistic woman who's leading her prepubescent son into utter confusion as she says he's identifying himself sexually as a girl…AT FOUR?!?!?!?! Come on man! This heifer wrote a book about it, parades him from talk show to interview to radio show and even says she desires for parents of other little princess boys to start clubs around the world. Really lady? Really?!?!?! How about you get a job and stop doing this to your kid? What happens when he gets to by 15 and realizes that he's been acting like a sissy to please his mother and really likes girls and wants to be a boy? Who's going to teach him to 'act like a man' then? Or will you simply tell him that he's bowing to societal pressures? If it were up to me your son would be in foster care and you'd be incarcerated for child abuse. No 4 or 5 year old knows anything about whether they are a boy trapped in a girl's body or vice versa; this is simply a deranged woman who already has an older son and wants a daughter.

I'm personally offended at the notion that she is allowed to do this and even more offended that our society has stopped to such a level that we're supporting this ludicrosity by giving her the airtime and print coverage [with encouragement] to do this to her own child. She says it about acceptance; I say BALDERDASH mam and plenty of it. You know what I may have spoken too soon; it is about acceptance. Acceptance of another interview to put on another dog and pony show…acceptance of another deal to write another book to keep the checks coming in…acceptance of another opportunity to profit off of the confusion that you've created in the mid of this poor little boy. Acceptance of anything she can get at the expense of her son's well being. I'm not a gay basher, homophobe or anything of the sort…but let your child make his/her own decision and be a parent to them, not a pimp.

It's Just My Opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!!!

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