Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day Tribute

On this Veterans Day, I must take the time to acknowledge the sacrifices each member of the armed forces has made on our behalf as well as the risks you’ve taken that afford those who have not, and will not, serve the freedoms that they enjoy. There are those who may not have served as a result of their own decisions, those who chose to serve due to limited employment outlooks, those who served as a result of the pride they have in where they live and a desire to help keep their families and neighbors safe. Regardless of your inspiration to serve, you did so, and your dedication to the missions that you were assigned in some way made it easier for us to live in and enjoy the freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. You acutely understand that freedom is surely NOT free; someone has to fight, kill and guard against foes to keep it. Even for those whose desire it is to give it away. A man once said, “we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it?” You each answered that call and served this great nation. You had a greater responsibility than most folks could possibly fathom. You served for those who didn’t agree with the mission you were assigned and the lives that were lost as a result of your service could voice their malcontent to each. You lived according to a set of disciplines that were based on honor, code, and loyalty, words that to many in our society mean nothing. I thank you for serving when the pay was minimal, the recognition was nonexistent and the popular sentiment was against you. I thank you for serving while protestors protested, media outlets maligned and politicians made decisions that weren’t in your best interest. I sincerely thank you for serving and protecting the rights of the likes of Wikileaks to spread propaganda that puts your lives in jeopardy. For spending days, weeks, and months away from the families that you love I thank you. It is because of these, and many unlisted, unfelt, and often unknown, sacrifices I thank you. Oftentimes the greatest sacrifices go unnoticed…yet they are so necessary. Happy Veterans Day to all Veterans; past, present, and future.

It’s just my opinion and YOU KNOW I’m not wrong!