Monday, November 8, 2010

I’m a Guy…No I’m a Girl….No, I’m a Guy…UGH! I can’t Decide…

This might sound a little silly to you, but it’s the feeling I got when I recently read an article about a girl/guy who’s attending George Washington University. The girl who’s now a guy formerly known as Kay-Kay who now wants to be known as Kye and wants to play, as a guy, on the women’s basketball team [yea, I’m confused too] has decided that they were born as a man trapped in a woman’s body. The article I read quotes them as saying, “I didn't choose to be born in this body and feel the way I do. I decided to transition -- that is, change my name and pronouns -- because it bothered me to hide who I am, and I am trying to help myself and others to be who they are…” Okay I get it that you feel that you’re a man trapped in a woman’s body (I really don’t, but it sounds politically correct to say that I do) and I get it that you now want to start living as the person you really are (this I do get, but then again I’m not confused about who I am-I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body). What I don’t get is how you want to have your cake and eat it too. What I don’t get is the flip flopping of feelings, but wanting folks to respect how you feel. What I don’t get his how this school, who claims to support this decision, is allowing this turn of events to transpire. What I don’t get is why the NCAA hasn’t made a stance on a guy (by self profession and desire) playing on a woman’s athletic team.

Let me elucidate…if you are a man trapped in a woman’s body and you want to stop living a lie, then why is it that you’re changing your name and pronouns, but not your team affiliation? I mean, seriously, if you’re that hell bent on being a dude and the rest of the team looks at you as their ‘big brother’ anyways then go try out for the guy’s team. You’re confused and selfish is all I can see. On one hand you want folks to stop treating you like a woman and don’t want folks to refer to you as she or her, but at the same time you still want to play on the women’s team. How about this? How about you make a decision, stick to it and deal with whatever comes with the decision you make. If that means you give up college ball, then deal with that. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut and live with the lie until you’re done with school. I don’t care whether you characterize yourself as male, female, or hermaphrodite, just choose one and stay with it (she does look a bit like Bow-Wow anyway). That’s a part of living life…dealing with what comes with our own decisions.

By the way, if George Washington University allows this person to be referred to as a guy (and changes the way they’re introduced in starting lineups, programs, etc.) then they’re as wrong as two left shoes as well. One of our greatest problems as a society is sheltering folks from the consequences of their decisions. Oh, I forgot, perhaps this might translate into more ticket sales for George Washington; or perhaps they might get a little more attention on their female [or is it male] athletic program. Ok, I got it! This might attract other female athletes who’re confused about their gender, and just happen to be good athletes, to go to this school. Oh, I forgot, it’s all good as long as someone can profit from it. Sad to say, but it appears that this school is seeking to profit from the confusion of a young lady who’s dealing with a lot and allowing her to keep playing on both sides of the fence doesn’t at all help her in her decision making process. Shame on George Washington and shame on the NCAA if this isn’t halted.

It’s just my opinion, but I’m not wrong!

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