Thursday, February 24, 2011

Planned Parenthood Defunded…good or bad?

Recently I was involved in a discussion with some folks with regards to the republicans choosing to defund Planned Parenthood. They want to take all federal funds away from them under one proposal and in another; they'd lose a substantial amount of their federal funds. One young lady was floored by the decision, saying that they provide very important services to the community. Planned Parenthood brings to the community such services as free or low cost annual exams for women, information on feminine health as well as counseling on taking care of themselves. Planned Parenthood also provides contraceptives to the community so that they can do what their name implies 'Plan' when they become parents. However, the issue that caused them to lose funding is their refusal to agree not to use federal funds for performing abortions. You see, for many years Planned Parenthood has provided very important service to the community that aren't controversial at all, but they still insist on providing such controversial services as abortion for birth control.

Let me make my position very clear, I am not a supporter of abortion when it is used as a birth control option. I'm one of those folks who believe that abortion should be restricted to cases of rape, incest or the life of the mother is in jeopardy. On another note, I still believe it is the final decision of the woman and you won't find me picketing any abortion clinics or trying to convince anyone, who hasn't asked for my opinion, not to have an abortion. I also have issue with the decision being SOLELY up to the woman and the father having no say in whether the abortion is performed or not [another blog for another day]. That being said, I have no issue with the federal government cutting their funding. While I believe it's not my business or my decision whether someone wants to have an abortion, I believe it is my business if my tax money is providing the abortions. All this aside, check the stats, what's the number one killer of black folks? If you want an abortion, it is legal, it is your right, it is your decision, but it is also at your expense…as it should be.

It's Just My Opinion, But I'm Not Wrong!

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