Thursday, March 24, 2011

What’s the big deal?

Recently the Texas legislature voted that in order to vote in the state of Texas you need to be able to prove that you are who you say you are and provide identification. Democrats are arguing that requiring people to show picture ID is equal to voter suppression. This is ridiculous!!! Help me understand why it's an encumbrance to show ID in order to vote when you have to show ID to buy beer, watch some movies, etc and so on. I'm sitting here watching this idiot on the news harping on the fact that one of the acceptable forms of ID is a passport. She said, "How many people who work at McDonald's go to Europe every year and have a passport?" She further argued that having to show a birth certificate to get a state issued ID will cause some people to simply not vote.

Let me make myself perfectly clear, I totally agree that everyone who is seeks to exercise their right to vote ought to be required to establish their identity by producing identification when they show up to the polls. What's the alternative? Having my brothers and sisters come to Dallas to vote for me from Louisiana when I run for mayor? Having a son vote for his parents after they are deceased? Having felons votes even though they lost that right when they were convicted of their crime(s)? Having folks who aren't citizens enjoying yet another right of those of us who are citizens (along with all the others they already enjoy)? Arguing voter disenfranchisement, which is just code word for later calling it racial discrimination, is crap!!! Arguing that it's a hardship to have identification is crap!!! Arguing that you shouldn't have to have ID to practice such an important right we have as Americans is ludicrous!!! It's a right I practice whether the vote is for president, mayor or dog catcher, that's how important it is to me. It's just as important that mine counts for something. Having others enjoy that right who might not be worthy of that right makes mine worthless. So…if you want to vote, have a voice in your community, shape the future of your city, county (parish), state, and country then you need to get a driver's license, state issued id card or a passport. If you can't prove who you are, then you don't need to vote, plain and simple... stay home and complain about what's going on in the community.

It's Just My Opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!!!

1 comment:

The Reckmonster said...

Hey R - Just getting around to reading this post...and I have one really STUPID assed it not already a requirement to prove who you are when you go to vote???? I mean, I try to have my voter's registration card with me when I go - but I've gone to vote before and not had it and just whipped out the driver's license instead. Now, a birth certificate might be a little weirder to have to produce...but seriously - it's not that weird, in my opinion, to have to prove who you are when you are voting. Some stores make you show some form of ID when you use a credit card to purchase something - this is happening a lot more these days. I don't get why it's such a big deal (I mean, yes, I "GET" why some people are trying to make it a big deal). It just seems like a no-brainer.