Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nah, I’m Good, Just Chillin

In recent weeks I’ve been reading about the death of a young man walking down the street in a safe gated community in Florida. I read how his presence was so imposing and his actions so threatening (with Skittles and iced tea) that he lost his life as a result of his heinous actions and intimidating presence. In the wake of the loss of his life, there’s been outrage, uproar, national outcry and finally an FBI probe. It’s been a while since I posted (life happens), but this one really pulled me back into reality. It’s one thing to get pulled over for DWB, as another friend of mine experienced recently in his Porsche, but this kid was walking while black. Too often, as a community, we’ve postured ourselves in a laid back, chilling position and not gotten involved. We look at the news, comment on how horrible something is, then we lean back and chill again. As long as we remain in chill mode nothing will change…then it could happen to you.
What took place here is an indicator of several other issues. You see this man, moved to this ‘gated community’ to put his family in a place for greater opportunities…because he’s made a few dollars and wanted something better for them. He didn’t want his kids growing up in ‘the hood.’ Sadly, as we saw when Tiger won the Master for his first time, when OJ got acquitted and countless other examples that could be mentioned, your race is still your race regardless of status, zip code, friends, or elected office. This kid lost his life, not because he was a hooligan, miscreant or even a ‘wanna be’ thug [from the mean streets of a gated community], but because an overzealous, idiotic bigoted moron decided it was his way to get 15 minutes of fame. It’s ludicrous that Zimmerman is still walking the streets, even laughable that he’s still breathing. What he did was at the worst murder, in the least man slaughter. They may be able to argue that he didn’t premeditate it so it wasn’t murder, but it was definitely the senseless loss of life for foolishness and he ought to be brought to justice for the life he took.
I’ve heard some argue about the law that was enacted in Florida recently about being able to shoot someone if you feel in fear of your life. However, this is not in any way in play here. There’s no way any defense attorney can argue that this idiot was in fear of his life especially since he was following the kid even after he was told by the 911 dispatcher . I’m personally in favor of a law of this sort due to the times I’ve seen, read and heard of folks being sued by someone they shot who had threatened them, harmed them, etc. We can’t throw out the baby with the bathwater in these types of cases. What needs to be established is whether or not there was an imminent, actual threat to this idiot’s life by Trayvon Martin…the child has was following…the child he was told the police would handle…the child that was screaming for help immediately prior to being shot to death…the child whose only weapons were Skittles and iced tea. Zimmerman needs to be arrested; charged and sentenced…Trayvon’s family deserves that justice...as soon as possible.

It’s just my opinion but I’m not wrong!

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