Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wikileaks Must Be Plugged...NOW!!

I don’t know about you, but all of these media morons who print, report and tell information that affects the very life of others and hide behind freedom of speech and the freedom of press need to be dealt with. The latest fiasco is dealing with wikileaks releasing documents detailing military actions, movements, and operations that were deemed classified and that classification hasn’t been changed. They’re justifying their actions by saying what happened here is for the courts to decide. So why then are you posting and plastering it across your website and making it known across the globe. Then you brag that what you’ve released just scratches the surface. What idiots!

Their mind-blowing revelation that civilians have been killed by armed forces during this conflict is pure stupidity. Let me open your eyes to something, when you’re fighting a war ad your enemy hides in areas populated by civilians, disguises themselves as civilians and strategically position civilians between you and them, there will be civilian casualties. This will be the case even if the enemy didn’t do this, it’s the nature of war…someone will die. I’m sick of these whiny, weak, spineless sphincters who didn’t have the testicular fortitude to serve trying to criticize those who are fighting for them to have the right to sit back and whine.

I have an idea…how about we find out the home address, work address, cell and home numbers, email address, facebook and twitter names of everyone involved in releasing this information. From the ‘whistle blower’ to the courier who delivered it, to the editor who edited it, to the writer who wrote captions and stories, to the website host, to the programmers and coders, to Julian Assange, the owner of wikileaks, as well as his wife, their kids and their school…lets release all of their information, thrown in photos too. Then we hide behind the first amendment and freedom of the press. No one would be surprised if something happened to them or their loved ones. Not many would be too broken up about it either. No one reading this would agree with that mindset [author included], so why doesn’t any one bat an eye at media outlets like this when they do what they do? Stories like this only agitate and will ultimately cost someone’s son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, etc their life from some IED, sniper fire, ambush or whatever. I heard one reporter state this morning that the American public has the right to know these things to process and do with as they will. I say if you want this information then you need to suit up, strap up, load up, wheels up and fight the war yourself. Until you get the courage to fight a war you have no right to criticize the actions of those who are fighting that war on your behalf. Until you get this courage shut up, sit on your fat posterior and peck at the keyboard that make you feel so big and bad as you type informaiton and release documentation that detrimentally affects the lives of others.

How about our conduits of information having some integrity and weighing out the consequences of their actions rather than doing something stupid simply for ratings and then acting like they did nothing wrong when someone loses their life, get maimed or hurt simply because they had the right to say, print, quote, or post whatever they did? It goes back to an argument I made in a previous post…sometimes I think we have too many rights.
It's Just My Opinion But I'm Not Wrong

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN, Rob! You know - as an Army brat, I have always just "accepted" the fact that there were things that my dad knew that my mom and I did not know - and that's the way it needed to be for him to do his job. I think that Americans don't need to know EVERY SINGLE detail of everything that goes on in War (otherwise - like you said - join yourself and experience it firsthand!). If that's the case - then why don't we know every single detail of what the FBI has going on - let's publish all of the details about their "intelligence" so that we can let the bad guys know when raids are gonna happen, who undercover agents are, and so forth...and while we're at it, why don't we get annual credit reports published for every single member of congress, the judiciary and the executive branch? And one last thing - working with vets every single day(who have come home from these wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - and all the wars prior), - I see the damage that is done when intelligence ISN'T compromised and they're just doing their jobs - I would hate to see how much MORE damage to how MANY more troops occurs with this stupid intelligence leak. These jackasses have made my job that much harder and that much more heartbreaking. And you know - the next thing they'll be bitching about is how much money it takes to "care" for these vets coming back...Double Dawg GRRRRRRRR...