Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why Is Eric Holder an Idiot?

I'm glad you ask the question. Let me start with the whole enforcement of immigrations laws, or the lack thereof. It's common knowledge that we, as a country have the most porous borders in the world. We allow folks to come in, get benefits that are paid for by tax payers, and not pay one cent in taxes. We allow folks to come in illegally and have babies (paid for by tax payers) that we then count as citizens, give free elementary and secondary education (paid for by tax payers), then give them scholarships and government grants (paid for by tax payers) while their parents still live here illegally, don't learn the language, don't acclimate to the culture of this country, work for cash and don't pay income taxes, send most of their money back to their country of origin therefore not stimulating the economy or paying any sales taxes. They call the fire department when they have emergency issues (still haven't paid taxes), they call the police to aide them in matters where laws have been broken (still haven't paid taxes), and they drive on roads paved by tax payer dollars causing wear and tear therefore costing tax payers even more money when they wear out prematurely and need to be repaired or replaced. All of this being true, this moron and his staff at the attorney general's office decided recently to file suit against the state of Arizona for the new statue they have implemented.

Let's examine the new law as it is designed to be enforced. The Arizona measure requires police and other law enforcement officials, while enforcing other laws, to question a person's immigration status upon "reasonable suspicion" that they are in the state illegally. If they aren't then they detain them and turn them over to federal authorities it's then up to the federal government to decide whether they want to accept them, whether they want to detain them, whether they want to remove them to their country of origin or what to do with them. The basis of the suit is that the state is not allowed to enforce federal laws. How stupid is this crap? Now they're saying their options open to sue for racial profiling. This dude is either slow bus special or an idiot all together. I applaud the state of Arizona for enacting the law in order to cover for the inadequacies of the federal government. Ever wonder why California is broke and Arizona and New Mexico are having financial issues? They are trying to do what they were elected to do by the citizens of Arizona. This isn't a priority for the federal government because the lion's share of the costs is burdened by the state governments with the social programs (medicine and education). Not to mention the added stress on the state and local infrastructure. Arizona is spending state and local resources, therefore funds, to assist the federal government in enforcing the laws that it seems they have issue with enforcing. For this assist, they are met with a law suit. I say that Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas ought to send a bill to the federal government for the expenses incurred as a result of their failure to secure our borders.

On the matter of racial profiling, this is laughable. You have a state that borders Mexico and the Attorney General's office is saying they'll investigate racial profiling in enforcing this law. Its simple semantics, I'd be willing to bet 2 weeks' salary that 95% of the illegals in these border states are from Mexico and south America. Suspicion could constitute anything from not knowing English to not being able to establish your identity (state issued ID). Is Holder just trying to waste tax payer money or what? Ok, here's a solution for Arizona. Check the legal citizenship status of everyone you stop for a traffic violation, infraction of the law, or suspected infraction of the law. This way you don't have to worry about Holder and his imbecilic minions filing this idiotic suit and wasting tax payer money. It's bad enough that the federal government is overspending on so many other things, and then you add the litigation of this Arizona statute to the mix…all I can say is WOW. I hope every state that is having issues with overcrowded classrooms, unpaid medical bills and overcrowded state and county hospitals enacts legislation of this nature. Then we can take it a step further and challenge the 14th amendment once this is all straightened out. (that's a blog for another day)

It's Just My Opinion But I'm Not Wrong

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