Thursday, June 24, 2010

Run Away General

Yesterday’s press conference was one that was necessary and one that no manager, supervisor, owner or president should ever relish. The removal of a subordinate for foolishness isn’t something that makes them, or you, look good. What President Obama had to do yesterday had to be done. There’s no way Stanley McChrystal could have remained in his position after saying what he said in that Rolling Stone interview. Being a former soldier [always a soldier] and one that understands that there are times you may not agree with or even like your manager, supervisor, lead, or whomever it is that you’re subordinate to; I acutely understand that there’s a line between mouthing off in the break room, or at a happy hour and doing an interview with an international magazine. I tried to write this last night, but was having PC problems so I watched listened to Beck, Hannity and O’Reilly instead. They convinced me that I needed this to be my subject today.

I know, for the past couple of postings it’s been about immigration and illegals. This was going on that same line, especially considering the litigation against Arizona by Mexico; but I digress. Look, Beck, Hannity O’Reilly and the rest of those right wing nut jobs need to sit down and shut up. There isn’t a job in the world that you can keep after you disparage your boss (Commander-in-Chief) publicly. This moronic imbecile, not only did it publicly, but in an interview. How stupid can you get? Beck asked, “What happened to his freedom of speech?” Let me elucidate…we all have freedom of speech. We can basically whatever we choose to say. Just be prepared for the consequences and repercussions from what you’ve said. He got what his hand called for…fired! Another report asked, “Why is this getting such a large amount of press? Isn’t there something more important to talk about?” Let me see…you have the highest ranking serviceman assigned to the war effort in the Middle East basically calling the president and his administration dummies. You have thousands of soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors who are under him. You have morale that needs to be high, orders that need to be followed, and a war that needs to be won. This is not the look you want at this time…or ever! One of the things I learned when I had soldiers under my command was to deliver ever order like it came from me; like I agreed with it totally; as though I was willing to lay down my life for that decision. Frankly, in times like these, every decision they make, every order they follow, may cost them or someone else their lives. There’s no worse position to put a serviceman in than to have them not believing in what they’re fighting for, or the plan they are following to fight. This nincompoop needed to be relieved of his duties. He should just be glad he’ll still remain in the army.

Before anyone goes off on a tangent, I don’t think what he did warrants kicking him out of the service, but removal from this post was necessary to our efforts in this conflict. I believe he should have been kicked out and jailed after the Pat Tillman debacle. Remember I am the one that supported revoking citizenship and reentry into the U.S. for the Dixie Chicks and Harry Belafonte after their foolishness a few years back. Free speech comes with consequences, so…a word to the wise, if you have something negative to say about your boss, company, supervisor or someone else…keep it to yourself. If you choose otherwise, then look to be in the same situation as Stanley…running away.
Orville P. Cottlethorpe IV

It’s Just My Opinion, but I’m Not Wrong!

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