Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I’ll Bet He Won’t Do That Again

This past week there was an unfortunate event that occurred in El Paso. A young man, of about 15, lost his life after an exchange with US Border Patrol agents. These agents were in the process of arresting several men who'd illegally crossed the border into the US, when they were pelted with rocks and debris from a group on the other side of the border. These were obviously folks who were supposed to cross over as well, but were angry because their plan was thwarted by the presence of the Border Patrol Agents (glad they were in the right place at the right time). At some point one of the agents fired into the group and hit the teen in the head, killing him. He died within Mexico. Now the Mexican government and the kid's family are blasting the US Border Patrol saying they are responsible for the death of this kid. How about, this idiot kid is responsible for his own death? They even had a statement online from the mayor of Juarez (are you serious!) that said, "We cannot tolerate these kind of incidents, where people fight with rocks against forearms, mainly where there are well trained agents involved in these cases, like Border Patrol agents," First off, you are the mayor of a city that specializes in sneaking people into the US…your words mean squat to me. Secondly, the idiot is the one throwing rocks at the person with the gun. Regardless of their training, if you catch somebody right with a brick, rock, or whatever, human nature and reflex take over and the natural thing happens. This kid found out the hard way that bullets hit harder than rocks. Everywhere you read about this they are talking about the rising tensions in the area as a result of this kid's death. They need to be mad at him…

Don't get me wrong, I'm sorry this kid lost his life, but at the same time, where is the personal responsibility? He chose to be where he was…on the border where a great deal of violence occurs. He chose to engage the border patrol agents…they were just doing their jobs. He chose to throw rocks at them…I'd venture to say that they were pretty large for this agent to fire into the group. He chose to put himself in harm's way and paid for all these poor decisions with his life. The one redeeming factor out of this is…I'll bet he won't do it again.

It's Just My Opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!

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