Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quit Whining and Face the Firing Squad

I read this article and it bothered me a bit, then it made me downright mad. I'm not one of those who believes that President Obama is chosen by God to be president, nor am I one who believes that everything he does is right, and I'm not even one that believes that he can fix everything that's wrong with this country (in this term or another). I am, however one who believes that when you have a hierarchy, you follow it; whether you agree with it or not. The article I previously referenced can be found on the politics daily website. It tells of a Lt Colonel in the Army who is refusing his deployment to Afghanistan because he doesn't believe that President Obama is an American citizen and therefore not qualified to be the POTUS ergo NOT his commander in chief and he refuses to follow his orders. How stupid is this guy? For those who might not understand military ranking structure, this guy is only a couple of notches below a general, so it's not like he's someone who's been in a week. Actually for him it's been 18 years. Lt Colonel Terry Lakin is a bonafied idiot!!! (in three languages) I know there are those who say, he's standing up for what he believes and those who says good for him. Having served my time in the US Army (and I'd serve again if I had to) I believe this idiot should be prosecuted to fullest extent of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, I believe inmate #37698543 sounds a lot better than Colonel.

Let me elucidate. When you join any branch of the military your opinion ceases to matter (when you are in uniform) your feelings cease to exist (when you are in uniform) your desires aren't important (when in uniform). You role, goal and purpose is to follow the orders given and carry them out to the best of your ability. If you don't want to do that then don't join!!! If you want to sit around the house, at happy hour or on your personal time and talk bad about the president, every member of congress, and the secretary of defense that's your right, but when you're at work, you work. This moronic imbecile is a doctor no less and commands other doctors and nurses. He ought to be made an example of and treated much like you would someone who abandoned their post on the battlefield. There are soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen over there who could really use his expertise, but he refuses to lend it to them because of an ignorant, petty, personal vendetta that is truly an exhibition of his idiocy. I have the utmost respect for all of our servicemen and women who are putting their lives on the line for my freedom and believe that those who stand in their way, hinder or harm them in any way should receive swift, harsh punishment (preferably VERY painful). If he was really serious about the President not being qualified to be his commander in chief he would resign his commission and leave the Army. No, he won't do that because he's not a real 'birther' he's using a convenient arguement to show his true color...yellow!!! He's a coward who's afraid to go to Afghanistan because he's afraid of what he might ancounter there. Newsflash Larkin...every day you went to work over the past year you've been following the orders of the commander in chief. IDIOT!!!

That being said, a message to all "birthers", you are in idiot and you need a life. Let me help you get over this issue. There are laws and requirements for any man or woman who runs for president of these here United States of America. There are committees and panels assembled to assure that these folks meet these requirements. Many folks on these panels and committees have done it before for another presidential, senatorial, or other candidate. They've reviewed his credentials, approved his credentials, and the people of this country elected him. Sit down, shut up and wait until 2012. Then you can try to vote for someone else. I'm sick of hearing your sissy whining. As always…

It's Just My Opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!

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