Friday, March 12, 2010

My Prom Date…NOT!

I just read an article about a high school in Mississippi that cancelled their prom rather than allow an openly gay couple attend and have one of them wear a tux and play the role of a man. This 18 year old young lady had a girlfriend who was a sophomore at the same high school where she attended and they have an openly gay relationship inclusive kissing, making out, etc and have no reason to hide their affection for one another. After reading the article and watching the story on one of the news channels I found it very strange that no one was addressing several glaring issues that I saw as I learned of it.

As one of my coworkers and I discussed this situation when she brought it to my attention, we both said the same thing. "There's more to this than meets the eye." The news story said that she'd asked the school if she could bring her girlfriend to the prom as her date. What school has students clearing their dates through the administration prior to bringing them to the prom? The mere fact that she asked says that both she feels that what she wanted to do was wrong and she needed to get permission to do so. Or she had a desire to cause a stir and controversy by presenting this issue for consideration. As soon as I found that the ACLU was involved I made the statement that they'd probably put her up to this just to grab some headlines.

Then I read people making statements like, "…what's next; outlawing interracial dating at the prom?" I'm so sick of folks comparing ethnicity to sexual PREFERENCE. I don't care if you're gay, straight, bisexual or trisexual; do what you do. But stop trying to drag me into your battles because of my skin color. Let's clarify something here. If you're homosexual (LGBT or whatever you want to be called this week) and you walk into a room no one knows, or needs to know, your sexual preference. They won't know unless you CHOOSE to make it known. When I walk into a room, everyone with the sense of sight knows I'm a black man whether I say it or not, whether I want them to know or not. My point is this, heterosexuals don't run around throwing up in other folks faces that they're heterosexual, I'd venture to say that a lot of homosexuals don't either. However, should you choose to, deal with what comes with the revelation you share.

I wouldn't have cancelled the prom if I were an administrator at this school or in this district. Nor would I have entertained the notion of changing the rules that were in place at the school. The young lady had a choice, she made it and she would have had to deal with it. Everyone reading this had at least a couple of groups of girls who went to prom together as a group. They didn't ask anyone for permission to do what they did, this girl was trying to cause a commotion and she should have been left to deal with the quandary she put herself and her girlfriend in. The prom would have and should have gone on without her and her date. I won't even get into the fact that she was 18 and her girlfriend was either 15 or 16. Hmmm…in most states that's illegal. Guess there are some things that are allowed in Mississippi that this girl doesn't have issue with and she's happy to take advantage of.

It's Just My Opinion, But I'm Not Wrong.

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