Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Goal Setting…at another level

I had some goals I wanted to reach by the age of 30, some I reached, while others I didn’t. You can rest assured that none of them were anywhere near the heights that Desmond Hatchett reached. He may have had a goal of finishing his post secondary education before reaching the age of 30. He may have wanted to own his own home by the age of 30. Perhaps he may have even desired to become an entrepreneur before reaching the tridecade mark in life. Regardless of any of those, this moron reached a new high, or shall I say low. He fathered 21 children before reaching the age of 30. According to reports he had 2 years where he had four kids born in the same year. How foolish is this garbage? Everyone is up in arms over octomom, as well they should be, but how many other Desmond Hatchetts are there out there? How many other idiots are there that father kids they can’t support. This imbecile even had the audacity to say he was a good father because he knew all their names and birthdays. A good father? A good father? It’s obvious to me he didn’t come from a household where there was one present. Least not a GOOD ONE!! Otherwise he’d not have made such a stupid statement. He even said that it's okay that he fathered all of those kids. What a moron!!! Do we really want to raise his kids?
Make no mistake, I am the one who said that we ought to go to a program where you have to get a license to have kids. We all know at least one person that really doesn’t need to be a parent. Who suffers? Yep…the kids. I’m also the one that says I would much rather my tax money go to sterilize a young mother than have her keep popping out babies she can’t afford. I recently met a young lady who was 24 with 5 kids and no job. 3 of her 5 kids were in special education in the public school system. Two of those really didn’t need to be in there, but she gets a check each month as long as they’re in the program. Again, I say there needs to be some sort of licensing program or sterilization for idiots. They should never be allowed to reproduce, they just make more idiots.
Now back to Hatchett. This fool went to court in Knoxville, Tn for failure to pay child support and it all hit the fan. All of these kids are under the age of 12 according to reports by various news agencies. He was in court for 11 different cases of failure to pay child support. Just to exhibit his idiocy, he’s 29 and working for minimum wage. Even if they take the Tennessee maximum of 50% of is check it would net each baby momma $2.74. That’s preposterous. This is the reason I believe that we need to not only sterilize the stupid, require licensure for the masses and morons. I believe animals like this should be caged. He obviously can’t afford to pay for the kids and he doesn’t have sense enough to stop creating lives. Therefore, he needs to be medically or chemically castrated and incarcerated as a result of the reckless and irrational behavior he has exhibited. Some may not agree, but I believe we have too many social programs without standards, requirements or requisites. If you can’t afford to have a child, you ought not be allowed to have it. If you father a child and you can’t afford to support them, there needs to be some sort of repercussions or required restitution that they have to pay. The child is the one who will suffer in the end. Let’s make laws that really protect our kids!!!

It’s just my opinion, but I’m not wrong!!!


Omini said...

Licenses and castration may be pushing it too far, but for this man to have 21 children PERIOD in THIS day and age (in America) is absolutely ridiculous and some of the blame needs to go to those fertile ass baby momma's of his...WOW!

Mandingo said...

While you may feel that castration is a bit extreme,I feel that this moron's actions require extreme actions. Kind of like the 1.9 million fine for the lady downloading music. You see, I don't believe in blaming others for my actions nor do I believe in blaming the baby's mammas for this moron impregnating them. Yes, they should have been practicing birth control, but had he been practicing birth control that wouldn't have mattered. A vasectomy at the least is in order. Then sterilize the women. Just my opinion.