Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Intolerance or just being honest…depends on your position

A few short days ago Miss California found that stating her true feelings and expressing her convictions may not always be accepted. She learned the stark reality that sometimes you get negative attention for standing on your beliefs. She’ll find in days to come that some may pull away from her for allowing her morality to mold her responses. Unfortunately she’ll learn the hard fast lesson that intolerance doesn’t go both ways.

I’m not a pageant watcher by any means [real talk], part of the reason is some of the canned responses to the questions posed to the contestants and the insincere premise of the whole thing. Besides, there may be something else on more interesting. You know something where someone is getting shot, stabbed, kidnapped, or blown up [lol]. However, I was taken aback when I heard of the backlash and controversy surrounding the response that Carrie Prejean, Miss California gave when asked whether she thought the decision on gay marriage should be left up to the states [thanks Clark Kent]. Her response wasn’t something that the person asking the question was prepared for. Perez Hilton, the self proclaimed gossip queen, an openly gay man, asked her this loaded question. I suppose the he assumed that because she is from California that she’d have another response. I'd venture to assume that he thought he was lofting a softball for her to grandstand and talk baout how she supports the union of men with men and women with women. HA! Much to his chagrin, she did what not too many other contestants do, she shared her personal belief and opinion. In other words, she actually answered a question.

Since then, she’s been lambasted, ridiculed, and hilton has berated her [complete with obscenities and harsh insults] on his personal blog. I believe she ought to be applauded for speaking her mind and not saying, ‘…I believe we should have world peace…’ or ‘I’d like to abolish poverty in the world…’ While I still won’t be watching any pageants anytime soon, I applaud her for doing something on a televised, highly media driven stage, that many don’t do in their personal lives for fear of backlash or having people look at you funny, she stood on her principals and stated a position!

I do, however, have a greater concern. I wonder? Had she answered the question the opposite way and said she’s fully in support of gay a matter of fact my best friend is gay [okay maybe not the last part], would there be as much of an issue be made of her response. We all know that there wouldn’t be anyone to say anything at all. They'd talk about how smart she is and how she's so open. Here’s the issue, if you offend the gay community look out. They come after you full force and don’t believe in fighting fair. They say there’s nothing like a woman scorned I beg to differ…try pissing off a punk [I’m just sayin].

Case and point, proposition 8 in California; they got it on the ballot, the people voted, gay marriage wasn’t made legal. That’s the way things work in a democracy. That wasn’t good enough for them. They started picketing churches, blaming blacks and Hispanics for voting it down, and even took it to the state supreme court. We live in a democracy…we decide things by voting. Unless it doesn’t go their way…or the response isn’t what they want to hear…then it’s intolerance.

For too long, people in general and Christians in particular have allowed our beliefs, teachings, rituals, etc to be trampled on and said nothing about it for fear of being labeled intolerant or bigoted. I, for one, stand up and applaud Carrie Prejan for stating your opinion, not to offend, not to belittle, not to be malicious, but BECAUSE YOU WERE ASKED!
To Mr/Miss [or whatever you are] Perez Hilton, I say DON’T ASK A QUESTION YOU AREN’T PREPARED TO HEAR THE ANSWER TO!!!

Kgalema Motlanthe said it best, “You can’t improve any situation by staying away from it.” Stand up, state your position and be ready to herald and defend it against the world.

It’s just my opinion, but I’m Not Wrong!

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