Saturday, February 14, 2009

What’s going on?

May 21, 1971 Marvin Gaye released a song that asked the same question that I pose today. ‘What’s going on?’ I mean what’s really happening to morality, personal responsibility and common sense in this society?

Let me elucidate…on one hand we have an unemployed moron having a ‘litter’ of kids after she already has six running around the house. I wanted to post when the story first broke, but I decided to wait until we got a little more information. Unfortunately we’ve come to realize that we’ll be financing the life of these kids. She already has a couple of special needs kids at home, now a couple of the new ones will be special Olympians in the future as well. The most frustrating information comes in the fact that she’s on public assistance. What!?!?!? Who authorized this crap? There are plenty of people out there who legitimately need the assistance of their neighbors and friends (our tax money) and I personally think this heifer’s application should have been denied. She even set up a website to accept donations! She’s already getting donations every time she gets the food stamp debit card refilled. I stated when the kids were first born that I thought it was crazy, but I didn’t care. Now that I have learned that I’ll be paying child support for them, I believe I ought to have a say in the way they are raised. Isn’t that fair?

I say, take all those kids form this maniacal moron, sterilize her before she spontaneously procreates again, and put those kids into foster care or allow loving families to adopt them. This way they can be raised by someone who can be a role model to them rather than showing them how to have their hands out. Everyone involved in the insemination of this idiot needs to have their licenses revoked for being stupid. Did they not think about the burden they would be placing on society? Better yet, didn’t they care?

I read a story this weekend about the 12 and 15 year olds who are now parents. The article stated that their parents were ‘supportive’ of them being parents. Hmmm…could that be because they HAVE TO support them. Neither of these nimrods is old enough to get a job, have no skills to speak of and have no idea what work is. This is another child that ought to be in the foster/adoption system. I think we should put together legislation that calls for people to have to be licensed to have children in this country. I am sick of people having kids they can’t feed, clothe, or house and thinking that our society has a responsibility to aide in their irresponsibility. My personal desire would be to open a series of huge orphanages throughout the country and remove kids from the homes of those who irresponsibly keep having them, use government funds to tie their tubes, and stop this perpetual cycle.

In the land of the free, home of the brave why don’t we have parents being parents and raising and taking care of their own kids? Why don’t we have medical professionals held liable for reckless decisions they make in the care of patients? Why don’t we place a limit on the amount of funds a person can get publicly? Why don’t we have some parameters on those who collect public funds rather than giving them away to anyone who’s able to complete the application? A reform of personal responsibility, deportation of ALL illegals, and reform of all government aid programs would alleviate the need for any government stimulus plans.

It’s Just My Opinion, But I’m Not Wrong!

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