Thursday, January 8, 2009

YOUR President...MY President...OUR President

Every since Nov 5 we have all heard it and some of you reading have made some of the statements, but have you really put it into perspective? I sat listening to Warren Ballentine (yes frat I’m calling you out) and he made the statement that makes my skin crawl. He said, “Y’all’s president only has a few days left.” “My president will be sworn in on Jan 20th” To be a barrister and one who quotes the constitution on a regular basis this bothers me. While I’m talking about Ballentine, he’s not the only one who makes foolishly racist statements like this. Let’s look at it this way…if a white person would say, ‘…my president is leaving office on Jan 20 and y’all’s president will be sworn in that day.” There would be picketing, protesting and acting a fool until he was thrown off the air. No, not in this case; he has callers calling in agreeing with him and saying the same racist crap. There were even some idiots calling in after the shoe throwing incident saying they wished Bush would have gotten hit. How stupid can you be??? He is still YOUR president as long as you live in America!! Others saying, “…secret service better respond better when Obama takes office...” What??? Dumb as all outdoors!!!

Here in Dallas there will be an inaugural ball at the House of Blues. I heard the ad for it on the radio a couple of times, but then one time I really heard it. The radio personality said, “…come out and celebrate the inauguration of our first president.” What?!?!?! He’s not our first president!!! He’s our 44th president!!! The black community lauds Ebony, Jet and Essence for hiring permanent white house correspondents to start working after the inauguration. What?!?!?! Did these magazines just realist they are in America??? This is crap. How would the black community react if several magazines or television networks pulled their white house correspondents now that Obama’s president? How about if Fox decided they didn’t need a White House correspondent any longer? What’s different about that than BET sending one now; after all these years. Even when they had a legitimate news program (thanks Jackie and Ed), they didn’t have a full time DC correspondent.

We keep whining about what ‘main stream media’ and white folk do to slight us, but if you turn the mirror around we do the same thing, if not worse. I love being American and I love being black. I ain’t African American/Afro-American or whatever else you want to call yourself. Divisiveness must end and we must begin with ourselves sand stop using the actions of others as justification for our own ignorance. As I say this I think about the HBCU’s; I won’t go there now, but think about how you’d look at a school that bragged about being a HWCU. With an African American (he’s truly one, a generation away from the continent) in the White House we need to stop separating ourselves from our other countrymen. We’re all Americans and regardless of who’s in the White House they are YOUR president, MY president, OUR president!!! Even if you don't respect the man, respect the OFFICE...President of the United States. Not President of black people, Asians, whites, or any other segment of our population, but president to ALL Americans. If you don't consider yourself American, then move to whatever country you claim and get the hell out of mine!

It’s just my opinion, but I’m not wrong.


Anonymous said...

I agree...but every post doesnt have to end with "if you dont like it, you can leave America!" lol

Mandingo said...

Hey, if the shoe fits... It befuddles me how we have so many people who exercise their freedom of speech to say all they can that's negative about the country that affords them that freedom. I say, if you don't like it, you can leave...even those who are indigenous to this nation.