Saturday, August 16, 2008

Segregation in the church? Who ever heard?

Some may have issue with the question itself. Some may say that even asking this question undermines the integrity of the black church by insinuating that something is ‘wrong’ with this stalwart fixture in the community for many years. Some would venture to say that had it not been for the church in the black community some of us would not be here now.
Let’s not get it twisted; I grew up in the church. I grew up in many churches across the southern portion of Louisiana; from Merryville, to Sulphur, to Westlake, to Oakdale and Rayne, not to mention DeRidder. However, I still must ask the question, “What’s wrong with the black church?” I dare not belabor the point any longer, I have toiled with this topic since reading an article from CNN entitled, “Why many Americans prefer their Sundays segregated” After reading this article I was not only confused, but angered, especially by some of the responses some Christians gave to this reporter. I must ask myself, What God are some people serving? What scriptures are they reading?
Yes, we all know that there are different types of praise and worship. That’s what makes the world go round. Even within one congregation, you’ll find various genres of religious themed music, so this isn’t the issue. However, when you have people who make statements like, ‘That’s the one day I want to go somewhere and not feel racism.” What? What kind of world does he live in? The Love of Christ knows no color, creed, or national origin. So, if we are to live out the true meaning of the title Christian [translated means Christ-like], then we ought not have respect of person either. Whether you are black, brown, green or purple the only thing that ought to matter is your love for the God I serve. If we were all uncomfortable with something that goes on with life, which we are, then there would be no reason to go to church. Let me elucidate:
I could feel as though that is the one day I don’t want to have some one break into my car – every Sunday someone’s car is robgbed or vandalized while the owner is in their respective place of worship. Some wome may want that to be the one dya that no one is ogling their breasts and undressing them with their eyes – NOT!!!! I don’t even need to discuss this one. The list could go on for days. However, this is crap. There will be no white and black heaven. There won’t be anyone having to enter through the back . No one will have favor over another.
As Christians, we ought to do all we can to eliminate ‘Holy Prejudice’…one God, one Faith and one Baptism. If this be the case, then we all need to reevaluate who we are and what we are doing. All I’m saying is racial makeup ought not be the basis of setting up or serving in a church. Jesus spent time with the adulterous woman at the well, who was a racial minority in her region; he told of the story of the good Samaritan who was a racial outcast of the region; I could cite example after example from His teachings that are contrary to what we are practicing as Christians. No more of this segregation in the name of Jesus.

It’s just my opinion, but I’m not wrong!

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