Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The DNC...what a joke?

As I sat and watched the DNC over the past couple of nights this week I was left with a few questions and brought about the confirmation of a feeling that I’d had for some time. To some this Democratic convention exudes with a vibe that was weird and jittery, this was in a stark contrast to the early rousing, cult-like feel of the Obama uprising.
You could cut the tension with a knife. There were some who tried to act as though they didn’t have it, there were others who were overt in their feelings. I’ll call it “secreted hate.”
Even with the attempts of the main stream media to mask the division, there was a large contingent of acrid Clinton associates, fund-raisers and factions wandering the halls, spewing malice, complaining of slights, calculating their actions for Hillary’s roll call and scheming trouble, with some in the Clinton camp disrespecting Obama by planning their untimely exodus, even prior to the nominee speaking.
Then you hear Hillary make the statement “Remember, 18 million people voted for me, 18 million people, give or take, voted for Barack.” While she gave herself credit for 18 million, it was ‘give or take’ for Barack. This was her poorly veiled attempt at making an anti-Obama point. Every time something contrary to the party takes place, she acts like her delegates aren’t controlled by her. I personally believe that she privately encourages and directs her minions to keep her dream alive, even at the expense of Obama and the democratic party.
She couldn’t even lie convincingly about the campaign’s vice presidential selection, Biden, she stated that he added “intensity.” Is that kind of like telling someone with an ugly baby that the outfit they’re wearing is cute? Or possibly describing a fat, or ugly, chick as having a good personality?
Then, to add to that, she came out last night wearing a very intensely orange pantsuit…hmmm I wonder if that was a hint that she’d like to have been his campaign partner? To add to that, she expressed gratitude for her “sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits,” as she said she couldn’t wait until Barack signed her health plan into law.
Then she followed that by dropping a quick jab at McCain with the statement, “It makes perfect sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together in the Twin Cities because these days they are awfully hard to tell apart,” That even sounded insincere when she prefaced it with the statement that he’s her colleague and friend.
To add to all of this abhorrent activity, they decided (CNN did) to interview one of her passionate supporters who was fighting back tears and telling us that those who voted for Obama should realize that they chose the wrong person. As she was interviewed, she went on to say that Hillary’s speech proved that she’d make a much better president than Barack Obama. She went on to add that he has “two months” to prove himself. This after stating that he’s not qualified to be president because he had no experience. She asked the question …would you allow someone to be CEO of your company with no experience? All he has is a Harvard education…nothing else.
There are those who are still very angry at Obama, not because they don’t think he’s qualified, but because they feel as though he stole their dream of seeing a woman president before they die. This is epitomized in a 74-year-old lady from Washington state who spent time volunteering for the Clinton campaign. She’s adopted a uniform of a Hillary T-shirt and hat signed by Clinton accented with a “Nobama” button. She has been known to stand in the back of rallies and booing every time his name is mentioned.
People like her are in one of two categories, voting for McCain, or not voting at all and most don’t have anything at all positive to say about Obama. Most are so passionate in their disdain that they can’t even articulate to you why they can’t stand the man…or his wife. It’s amazingly peculiar…and quite juvenile.
Some are discussing the fact that Bill is still pretty pissed about being painted a racist during the campaign for the several gaffes he was credited for. While some compared Barack to a young Bill, Bill was having problems putting together the right words to praise his campaign when he speaks to the convention on Wednesday night. Even after being offended by the Obama campaign wanting control over his speech. This isn’t too far off the mark for the presumprive nominee, but to Bill, it was just another slap in the face. They normally did this in order to control what’s said and to lessen the likelihood of the other party getting something more to use against the party’s nominee. In this case, they didn’t want him spending his speech time defending himself against the accusations that were made against him during the primaries.
After discussions, the Obama camp relented and said that the ex-president could say whatever he wanted to. Then again, when doesn’t Bill do that? This didn’t bode well with Obama supporters, who thought it made him look weak in the face of controversy.
There were some who even had issue with the casual appearance that Obama had while sitting in the homes of some supporters during Michelle’s speech. While others had issue with the fact that no one was making speeches centered on gas prices and against McCain’s campaign. I’m of the mindset that Obama has some platform stances that are counter to my personal beliefs, as does McCain, for this reason, I am still in the process of deciding who I’ll vote for. It’s very difficult at this point, I have to make sure I read, study, and learn as much as I can about the two nominees so that I can make the proper choice in November.
I encourage you, who are reading this, to make sure you are voting for the person who most closely meets your needs. No one candidate will meet all of your needs and line up with all of your beliefs, so you have to have certain key issues that are deal breakers. I’ve said before, that we ought to review their platforms and prioritize them in the following order (1) according to your Christian beliefs (2) according to your American beliefs (3) according to your ethnic needs. The rest of the week will be interesting, to say the least and next week shall be as well. Both conventions are a gross waste of money and resources that could serve mankind in a much better way. I don’t care which party you align yourself with; they are both wasteful and insincere. I beseech each of you to evaluate each candidate on their own merits and make your decision according to who they are and how they stand on your values. DO NOT vote the straight party ticket!! That’s why we are in the situation we are in today with everyone playing ‘party politics.”

It’s Just My Opinion, But I’m Not Wrong.

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