Thursday, December 19, 2013

Really...You're Surprised at His Answer? [How dumb are you]

       Really...we have nothing better to do than be surprised when someone answers a question asked in the way we should expect them to answer it? I was aggravated on my morning drive when every radio station they were discussing Phil Roberson, the patriarch of the family whose daily dealings are chronicled on the show ‘Duck Dynasty’.  He had an interview with GQ (of all magazines) and they asked him about homosexuals/homosexuality and he answered the question he was asked and expounded a bit. Let me qualify his answer with the fact that their show, their family values, their books, shirts, etc. are all based on the Christian principles of the Roberson family. They pride themselves in being devout Christians and living their live according to the teachings of Christ (Bible while exhibit family values in all they do. This being said, no one should be surprised that his answer wasn’t glowing with regard to homosexuality.  I haven’t read his GQ interview yet, I will, but I read an article in Time on this matter and one quote he made, “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job,” he said, adding, “We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”, is being particularly harped on. What’s the big deal here?

       According to scripture homosexuality is sin as are being drunk and senselessly terrorizing/killing folks. When we face God for judgment He won’t put on above another, they are all sin. Why is it that Christians answer questions according to their Christian beliefs they are labelled intolerant, anti-gay, etc.? This was an issue not too long ago for Chic-Fil-A and now for Duck Dynasty…really? How stupid are we that we allow society, the media and some irritated sexual deviants dictate what we can and cannot say and what belief system we can or cannot espouse. Last I checked the 1st amendment didn’t just protect the LGBT community, but it also protects those of us who choose to follow God and share our belief system with those we encounter. Years ago I heard a sermon entitled ‘Persecuted for the Right Reason’ [Shirley Reaves], I think this aptly describes the indefinite suspension of Phil Roberson from the A&E show Duck Dynasty that’s based around his family. Besides, how many of these idiots from GLAAD actually watch his show? But they’re actively harassing any and all advertisers to drop the show because he said what he feels and believes.

       I know someone will reply saying he doesn’t like black people either. They may even cite that he said black folk were happy in the pre-civil rights era.   He basically that the black folks he was exposed to lived, world and were nappy like everyone else around him. I think we need to stop persecuting folks like this for standing on their beliefs and stop giving credence to these drama ‘queens’ who make mountains out of molehills and attack everything folks say, twist their words to say something more dramatic than what they actually said. He has a right to say what he said just as they have a right to do what they do. You want us to live and let live, but you won’t practice the same.

It’s Just My Opinion But I’m Not Wrong.

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