Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rules? Who Needs Rules?

While watching the news last night I came across a story that caught my interest. I’m not sure if you’re heard it or not, but Taylor Pugh has been embroiled in a very public dispute with the Mesquite ISD for the past three months. His rights have been violated, he’s being stripped of his individuality and his self esteem is being crushed. At least that’s the story that the idiots who are raising him will tell. Taylor is four years old and doesn’t want to cut his hair. Admittedly, I believe that kids ought to be encouraged not to follow the crowd. They ought to be taught not to bow to peer pressure and to forger their own paths. But come on!!! When are people taking things too far? The Mesquite ISD has a dress code in place that’s prevalent in most school districts in America. Boy’s hair must be out of their eyes, no longer than below the earlobes or the collar in the back. It’s not only appropriate, but commonplace for school districts to say that hairstyles, “designed to attract attention to the individual or to disrupt the orderly conduct” aren’t allowed. Not to mention a hairdo likely to get you kissed by another boy…that would start a whole other battle.

These parents a testament to my belief that people ought to have to go through a training class and get licensed to have kids. Initially I thought this was some over-permissive, wimpy parents who just wanted to let him do what he wanted to do.; then they panned the camera over and showed the dad, mom and some other moron they brought to the school with them. They looked like a punk rock band threw up. Pierced eyes, lips, noses, and those huge quarter sized holes in their ears. Then it became apparent to me what it was. Not over-permissive parents, but parents who are crazy as hell and think the world ought to bend to their taste and desires rather than deal with the society in which we live.

These morons argued that their son is an individual and he wanted to keep his hair long. I bet he wants to eat Cocoa Puffs for dinner every night and never take a shower or change clothes. HE’S 4 YEARS OLD!!! It’s time out for these parents who want to be friends with their kids. Your kids should not be your friends!!! If you raise a child throughout their life and not once have they uttered the words, “I Hate you”, “I’ll be glad when I can move out of here”, “Why was I even born into this family?” or something of this sort then you haven’t done your job as a parent. You can’t effectively parent and never have your child disagree with you. By the way, for those of you that are worried because you’ve never heard your child say any of these…it’s okay; that may just mean that you’ve instilled enough fear in them that they have better sense than to let you hear it [don’t claim it if it’s not for you].

In all seriousness, they are interrupting more than just this kid’s education. I have issue with the district providing private one on one tutoring for this kid since November. They should have sent him home and told his parents to keep him there until they could comply with the district’s policy. By giving him this treatment they are taking resources away from the kids whose parents assured that they were in compliance with the rules. Aside from that they’re teaching him that he can pick and choose which rules he wants to follow in life. School is there for more than the education that is taught from the books. There are the social skills, playing well with others, boundaries, respect for authority oh yea, and following rules.

Newsflash Mr. Pugh and Ms. Taylor…if you don’t want your kid following the rules in the public schools you can send him to private school or home school him, your choice. No matter where you go in society, or what you do there are rules that need to be followed. These idiots need to learn the difference between being stupid and supporting your kid. While they finally braided his hair to comply with the school district’s rules [after saying his scalp would bleed if they did], he looks even more like a girl with the French braids than he did with the hair long. Who wants to sign this petition to require a license before becoming a parent?

It’s just my opinion, but I’m not wrong!

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