Friday, October 17, 2008

Pacman, Palin, and the Bailout

Most people who know me know that I am a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I have been for a very long time. I often tell people that’s why I moved to Dallas. However, they’ve made some decisions that I don’t agree with as of late. They brought in T.O. a couple of years ago and I stopped buying season tickets. He hasn't negatively affected the tem since he joined, I still don't like the decision. They brought in Tank Johnson after being dropped by the Bears. He stepped into the defense and s doing a good job, hasn't been in trouble with the law since coming to Texas. We actually got him for a deal due to his legal indiscretions. Then they brought in Adam [Pacman] Jones after a spree that all black folks ought to be shamed of. Why? We all know that [whether we admit it or not] black folk are maligned by the actions of other black folk. I was conversing with a colleague in regards to his present situation and he commented that Goodell was too hard on him. I had to look at him twice to make sure he wasn’t joking, then I asked why he felt this way. He quipped, “If he was a white boy they wouldn’t have done nothing to him.” First of all, we ought not set out standards on looking at other folk, least of all white folk. I’m so sick of hearing that as an excuse for the actions for people’s actions. Why can’t we set standards for ourselves that WE reach for and exceed? Why is it that we can’t set objectives that have nothing to do with others? Matter of fact, if we want to emulate others [regardless of race] why don’t we emulate the likes of Michael Dell and Bill Gates? How about Chris Gardner or John H Johnson? Back to ‘Adam’; I think his suspension was just and Goodell wouldn’t be wrong if he’d ban him for life. Tough? Cruel? I don’t think so. He’s been given over 15 chances and acts like he can’t act right. It’s a privilege for him to be paid a king’s ransom to play a child’ game; obviously he doesn’t appreciate that privilege. The other thing they need to do is similar to what they do in baseball, start a mentoring program for these new millionaires when they enter into the league. Make the program mandatory and a part of their contract. Many of these young men don’t know what to do with that type of money and may not have the network around them when they sign their contract to handle it properly. Limiting the amount of their contract they get over the first 2 or 3 years wouldn’t be a bad thing either; a graduated contract contingent on participation in the programs they have for them [with guaranteed payout in the case of career ending injury during that time]. Just a thought…
The Republican Party has received a lot of flack for the choice John McCain made in his vice presidential nominee. Alaska’s governor, Sarah Palin, has been maligned for not being experienced; she’s been criticized for her support of abstinence only education while her own daughter became a statistic; she’s been ridiculed for her devout Pentecostal beliefs and made fun of for not knowing what periodicals she reads. I, for one, have a little sympathy [very little] for her. According to those that served with her in Wasilla, she was a good councilwoman and mayor. Her role as governor has been tarnished by the outcome of an investigation with regard to her brother-in-law and his job. All of this being said, think about her position. Coming from a small town and a sparsely populated state and thrust onto the national spotlight has to be difficult to handle. If you look deeply into any of our lives you’ll find some things that others might find inappropriate, may not agree with or might be critical of. Much of what she’s been criticized of, many of us have experienced. No one’ s life is above reproach, NO ONE. That's why you'll not see me on a stage of this altitude. I'd like to keep my closet closed. Just a thought…
It’s been a few weeks since my last post. Life kind of caught up with me for a minute. Anyways, I’m still trying to figure out how congress, who’s elected by their constituents, could pass a bill that’s opposed by over 70% of America, their constituents? Hmmm…makes me wonder. By the way, I’m no economist, but using my limited math skills the total for this ‘bailout’ is gonna cost those of us who got a house we could afford, paid our mortgages on time and live within our means over a trillion dollars [maybe 2] when it’s all said and done. Nothing chaps my hide more than wasting my money!!! However I don’t feel like there’s nothing I can do. I’ll be posting the names [before Nov 4] of every senator and congressman who voted for that crap here and encouraging us all to vote for somebody else. With my understanding of the political system, elected officials are supposed to act on the wishes of their constituents. If most of America, who aren’t happy about the bailout would let their elected officials know by electing someone else, their successors would take notice. I’m one of those who believes that you ought to do what you say you’re going to do and every elected official claims that their main role is to serve their constituency. By the way, where'sthe bailout for the college grads strapped with over $40,000 in loans? Just a thought…

It's Just My Opinon, But I'm Not Wrong!

1 comment:

Another Conflict Theorist said...

Peace Brother,

I'd like a bailout also. I'm one of those college grads with over 40K in un-repaid loan money.

Pacman. What to say about him. I tell people my theory about his most recent episode. He's out. Drinking. Too much. Again. The "bodyguard" (read: babysitter) who is being employed to protect him from himself suggests to Pacman that he's had enough and all hell breaks loose. I think Goodell SHOULD permanently suspend him from the NFL. This fool has had more chances than you or I would EVER get.

We're just going to have to agree to disagree on ol' Sarah. She's a corrupt ditz whose political ambitions far outpace her abilities and intelligence. I've got about as much sympathy for that dumb attack dog as I do for Ann Coulter.

Finally, I think when we start concerning ourselves with what whites - who haven't historically needed a good reason to hate us - think of us, we've already lost.