Tuesday, October 28, 2008

CNN's New 'Nappy Headed Hoe'

In a time where we criticize the likes of Imus for calling basketball players ‘nappy headed hoes’…where political groups create caricatures of a presidential candidate on food stamps…where there are still James Byrd style draggings taking place…we have the likes of Darryl Lynn Hughley. When I initially saw the trailers for the show, I anticipated seeing something like ‘The Daily Show’ or ‘Colbert Report’, since I like both of these, I was eagerly anticipating the show’s debut this past week. I was sorely disappointed. Whether it was the seemingly endless barrage of racial jokes and stereotypical montages; the blatantly racist correlation between Obama’s candidacy and that of every minstrel on film from Sammy Davis, Jr. to Tiny Lister; or the jokes about the cholesterol level of black people I think he missed the mark.
Some may say, ‘lighten up, they’re just jokes’ others will say, ‘I liked it’. I, however, don’t think so. I believe if I would have been offended with Dennis Leary, Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart saying it, then it ain’t right for him to do it either. Darryl was trying to add a comedic spin on the presidential election, but wound up making black folk fodder for jokes by everyone watching. The appearance of ‘Freddie Mac’ discussing the pimp game and his cousin Fannie Mae was ridiculously offensive and, in my opinion, not funny at all. When will we as a people get past this type of crap?
He went on to explain Obama’s health plan’s benefits to include gold grills? Come one D. L.! You know you can do better than that. I would be less offended and disappointed had this been an up and coming comic who needed a ‘big break’, but D.L. is one of the Kings of Comedy [even though he wasn’t near the funniest]. He had the responsibility to evaluate and turned down this opportunity, or at least do it in a more responsible manner.
While I’m still pissed at Hughley, I’m equally irritated that a supposedly ‘real’ news channel would put this type of crap on the air. This type of crap has no place on an allegedly “mainstream” news network, especially within arm’s reach what’s called, the most important election in our lives. Sadly, I don’t remember any of DL’s jokes that didn’t focus on some stereotypical aspect of the black community. He helped perpetuate the notion of ignorance and shiftlessness that is pervasive in some circles.
I don’t understand what CNN hoped to accomplish with this program. I’m befuddled by this turn from legitimacy to lunacy. If they were trying to appeal to the black audience, they could have given a 30 minute show to Roland Martin. He would have filled the void we’ve had since BET stopped doing news [just a thought]. While on the subject of Martin, he ought to be offended by this garbage and the slap in the face by not giving him an opportunity to do something serious. I mean, if Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity can do it, I KNOW Roland could handle his own. At least he wouldn’t have feigned legitimizing the Obama campaign/presidency with saying Flava Flav would succeed him in the white house.
Don’t misinterpret this for me standing on a soapbox and pointing a finger. I love comedy and some comedians that make jokes about what they know, black life. I like Katt Williams, Steve Harvey, Cedric the Entertainer, and loved Bernie Mack, but these comedians stretch their abilities and don’t always fall back on the ludicrosity that D.L. does. My ‘black power’ fist isn’t always in the air and my dashiki isn’t in the dry cleaners. I do laugh at some things that maybe I shouldn’t, but I call a spade a spade.
I now understand why Petey Greene did what he did on the Tonight Show. He thought it was his big break, but came to the realization when he got there that they weren’t laughing at his jokes, they were laughing AT HIM and those like him. Maybe D.L. ought to watch ‘Talk to Me’, if he hasn’t already. If he has he ought to watch it again...and call up the creators and writers of ‘The Boondocks’ to watch it with him.

Is this really who we've become? Have we reverted back to being minstrels for 'the man'?

It's just my opinion, but I'm Not Wrong!!


Anonymous said...

Those postings were deep. I loved the realistic approach you took on both. D.L....Damn idiot...for real! Just so darn ignorant. Why would one unleash so much negative ridicule on your own race or ethnicity at such a time where history could possibly be re-written forever. That’s just stupid. I agree with Palin’s accomplishments and we all have our skeletons, however I still would NOT want her running this great country of OURS.

Another Conflict Theorist said...


"Come on DL! You know you can do better than that."

Frankly, I don't think he can. My wife and I watched this minstrelsy last week in absolute horror. I've always believed that there are two types of black comedian: The conscious and the unconscious. One one side you've got Pryor, Mooney, Chappelle - thoughtful, introspective, intelligent. On the other, you've got DL, Katt Williams, Eddie Griffin - bottom dwelling, buffoonish, ignorant. As you allude to in your opening paragraph, it's no coincidence that DL gets a show AFTER he berates the Rutgers Women's basketball team on Leno. Pure unadulterated coonery.

Another Conflict Theorist said...

Alright. Yes, I know I'm being a hypocrite but get to postin'!