Saturday, April 26, 2008

Was Wright Wrong?!?!?

In the wake of the fervor over the statements of Rev Jeremiah Wright and how the snippets from his sermons have been causing issues in the presidential election, he granted an interview. As I watched the interview on PBS (Bill Moyer's talk show), I was enlightened and inspired. All I can say is thank you for what you said and for the gospel you preach. Please don't accept what the media tells you. They will do what they deem necessary to keep you as a viewing audience. They'll cut it up, edit it, and switch it to say whatever they desire it to say. I've posted about 10 minutes of this sermon particularly because it is the one that has caused the greatest amount of uproar in order that you might be able to put it all into context.
In order that you might be able to see that what he is being credited for saying was actually a quote that he actually attributed to the original author within the context of a sermon. It's amazing what we can receive, what we see, what we hear, that is in some ways distorted and in turn distorts our views on things. After hearing this sermon in context, I have no issue with it being proclaimed from a rooftop, pulpit, or a street corner. I have no qualms with the admission that I see things differently when presented with a new set of facts. I also don't have a problem saying that Wright may have made other remarks (riding dirty, etc.) that I don't agree with or think should have been said over the pulpit. What I am saying is, I challenge us all to read, investigate, and learn...that's what it's all about.

It's just my opinion, but I'm not wrong.


Mandingo said...

After posting this blog this past weekend Wright made me chang emy mind yet again! While many believe a lot of what he says, many ought also feel that he needs to sit his old butt down. He's now being made a buffoon by the political pundits and press corp and it appears that he's enjoying it. The sad thing is that, while he's enjoying this 15 minutes of spotlight, he's causing the destruction of a candidacy the likes of whic we've never seen. Why can't he just sit down and shut up?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this particular sermon; the only one I'd heard was the one talking about Hilary not knowing Barack (and black america's) struggle. I didn't hear anything inflammatory about his remarks in this message. The fact of the matter is that America doesn't want to look in that mirror that shows the past and what the 'minorities' see of her legacy. There is a genuine fear of the return of black radicals/nationalists, or any other group with a similar agenda and so anyone who speaks contrary to the accepted norms (hence the coined term "politically correct") is deemed a heretic. As for Wright, this sermon was completely on point but some of the other sermons he's given I believe were out of place for the pulpit and I felt he was twisting the gospel to meet his personal views.

Anonymous said...

I read your comment to your article and think he is having an ego trip and using the black church as his front to defend himself. Now that he's defended himself he needs to leave the media alone b/c prolonged exposure will only give them the opportunity to mock and deride him. And whatever comments that may have held some merit will be lost by the wayside.