Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Racism? Classism? Immorality? Elitism? Which is it?

For the past couple of weeks everyone has been up in arms about the new law that was recently signed by the governor of Arizona. There have been those who protested saying this law reeks of racism; others who said these people came to this country to seek a better life for themselves and their families; while someone even argued that an immoral law ought not be enforced. Ok, let's evaluate this situation. Arizona has one of the highest levels of illegal immigration in the country. Some reports indicate that the border between Arizona and Mexico are as porous as cheesecloth. Illegals come over, go back, bring over contraband, take it back…the cycle continues. The governor of the state of Arizona is sworn to protect the citizens of that state and this country. The key word here is CITIZEN! If folks could review the facts of this situation rationally devoid of emotion they would be able to see it just as the state house of Arizona and their governor did. Something needed to be done. If the federal government isn't going to enforce the laws that are already on the books, then the state government had to. WHY??? Because of the ineptitude of the federal immigration and customs enforcement department the state government had to act in the best interest of their citizens.

Last year alone Texas spent over $1 billion just in free medical care for illegals…this doesn't take into account the kids in school, wear and tear of roadways, police and fire services, higher insurance premiums, or what was spent in other states for these people who came into this country illegally. There are those who are sympathetic to their plight who speak of how poor their country is and how they have no opportunities there. While I can't disagree with that, does this situation absolve them from consequences for breaking the law? Here's a scenario, you come home from work and there's a family living in your attic. They broke in while you were at work and now they've set up residence there. They come down every once in a while and eat some of your food; they use your utilities; and they don't pay any bills. Every once in a while they might give you $20 or bring you something from the liquor store. They're just trying to find a better life…their neighborhood was dangerous, poor and they had no opportunity there. Looking at this situation, wouldn't you be angry if you called the police and they did nothing? Arizona faced this same situation, as do many other states. They had a population of folks who moved in, sent their kids to school, called police and fire when their services were needed, work jobs for cash and pay no taxes, with the exception of the little they pay when they buy something. ARIZONA HAD TO ACT!!! I personally hope other states follow suit and enact similar legislation.

What about those police officers who will unfairly target Hispanics who are here legally? What about those who will be detained until they can prove their citizenship and they are citizens? What about those who will be looked upon as illegals who aren't? I can't be angry at the system for trying to right a wrong. Who I can be upset with are those who necessitate such legislation and its enforcement. It's no different from me walking in the mall and having store security following me around. I'm not mad at the, but the idiots who came in before me and gave them the notion that all black men steal.

Lastly, please stop making references to this as though it is reminiscent of the Jim Crow days of the old south. There are several distinctions that separate this time from that one. First and foremost, black folks were brought here in bondage, illegals came here on purpose. Secondly, black folks were persecuted because of the color of their skin, illegals are sought out because they are illegal! Third, we didn't like or treatment and had no recourse, they can go back home if they don't like the way they're being treated. I was beyond angry when I watched the news and saw a man sitting there almost in tears because his wife was about to be deported. He was a Mexican American (legally) and his wife was here illegally from Nicaragua. He knew when he married her that she was here illegally, he knew when they started a family that she was here illegally, he knew when he served in the US Marine Corps and got his citizenship straight that his wife was still illegal. Yet he sat there asking, "Why is my country doing this to me?" Hey meathead, your illegal wife did it to you and you helped her. Stop crying and start dealing with the decisions you made. I got a quick fix, why don't you go with her when she's deported, then your family can stay together…problem solved!

It's just my opinion, but I'm not wrong.