Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Where My Daddy!!!

In recent weeks we’ve come to know not only that Sarah Palin’s teen daughter is pregnant, but that her 17 year old 'baby daddy' will be marrying her soon [insert shotgun here] . Now, a video is circulating on the net of a young man claiming that he’s her baby daddy and Gov Palin won’t allow him access to the mother of his unborn child and he fears that this will translate to him not seeing his child when it's born. Did I mention that he’s black? Don’t want to leave that out do I? Did I also mention I don’t really care and it really shouldn’t matter to any of us?
How many times have you heard of the mother of a pregnant girl not allowing the supposed father of the baby access to her daughter? How many times have you seen teen girls act irresponsibly and get pregnant and possibly lie to her mom about who she’s been with sexually? Why is this a matter of national scrutiny? Why isn’t this written off as normal teen behavior? Why don’t we look at the larger underlying issue here? What is it you might ask? The major underlying issue is the casual attitude that pervasive our society has toward extramarital/premarital sex? How about the fact that this attitude flows down to our youth?
No matter where you look you see sexual activity promoted and used to promote products, services and anything else. Palin is then criticized for promoting an abstinence education program that was implemented in the Alaska school system. She was criticized because she refused to dedicate state funds for a sex education class, but opted for the abstinence education route. The talking heads are debating the efficacy of abstinence education and saying this shows her lack of judgment. They’re saying teaching abstinence education is a waste. Hmmm…I wonder why this is?
One argument is that sex is a normal human function and they’ll do it anyway so why not teach them sexual education? Another argument touts the lack of efficacy of the programs and the fact that they don’t teach birth control methods to the youth. Still another says teaching abstinence education brings religion into the classroom and shouldn’t be done. All of these are crap! When was the last time they advised that we not teach kids ‘Just say no to drugs?’ They’re going to do it anyway. They’re going to try it, it’s only natural. This type of logic is stupid as hell. What needs to be done is to keep advising them of the responsibilities that come with the acts and what decision would be best for their future.
Now to talk about the bringing religion into the classroom argument; while the Bible does advocate abstinence til marriage (ATM), it’s just as much an economic issue as it is a moral, or religious, one. Let me elucidate:
Each year there are upwards of 900,000 teens who have babies. These are the ones that are delivered...not those that are aborted (a whole other issue for me). Of these about 78% don’t have the medical plan, family support, or tax payer money to aide them that Bristol has. She’s not the norm. Most of the kids are supported by tax payer money through programs like WIC, TANF, CHIP and the like. Why these kids should be encouraged not to have sex until they are married, or at least older, can be made from an economical perspective. They are a drain on our tax base and these young people aren’t equipped to handle the pressures of being parents. They more often than not are unemployed or underemployed due to necessity. They cause undue pressure on their respective communities and families because they weren’t responsible enough to wait. Forget birth control how about self control?
Besides, too often the ones who suffer in this situation is the child. More often than not the father isn’t in the life of the child as they are reared. The result is a son who grows up without the support of his father or an example of who he ought to be when he becomes a man. Or a daughter who grows up being reared sans the father daughter relationship that models to her what she should expect from a mate later in life. Not only do these children become an economic drain on society as they grow up, but studies show that they (regardless of race) are more likely to spend time in the penal system in their adult lives. There are a multitude of reasons why young people ought not be indulging in activities whose consequences they aren’t prepared for. I just stated a few.
We are breeding a generation of youth who think they can do anything they want to and everything is for them without limits. You have schools that make rules that anyone who tries out for a sport must make the team and get playing time. The crowd is barred from heckling or booing in some states during interscholastic sporting events. High schools are directed to give a student no less than a 50 even if they don’t do the work. Rather then advising them to exercise self control we want to teach them to be careful (especially since birth control isn’t guaranteed). I haven’t even scratched the surface of the over 3 million sexually transmitted infections (including HIV/AIDS) transmitted between teens each year. Our answer to that is 'rap it up' or 'know their status.' How stupid is that?
Where has personal responsibility gone? Where has make the right choice gone? What plateau have we reached when we approve of and facilitate everything? Or should I ask what depth we’ve reached?
Stop worrying about who Bristol’s baby daddy is and address the real issue, who’s gonna take care of all the babies like the one Bristol is carrying that are being born every day. Who indeed…try looking in the mirror for the right answer to that one.

It’s Just My Opinion, But I'm Not wrong!

Friday, September 5, 2008

So you organized your community huh?

The other night I sat and watched the republican nominee for vice-president of the United States make a moving speech. One in which she defended herself against attacks from the media that should never have been done (leave the kids alone); she introduced us to her family and her daughter’s fiancé (why was he even there?); she talked about her accomplishments as mayor (whatever); and her accomplishments on the town council in the same town (far from congressional experience). She also told us how she exemplified being a reformer in the top post in Alaska, the governor’s office (poor brother-in-law). Much of this was impressive. However, she, and the ‘grand ole party’ faithfuls who spoke before her went down a path that they really shouldn’t have. They chose to belittle Obama’s experience as a community organizer as though it meant nothing; as though it made no significant impact on the lives of those he helped; as though no one today remembers who he is, what he did or the fact that it was done for free. She made the unfortunate decision to continue on the path trodden by Guliani.

After watching the diatribe of malevolent verbiage scoffing at Senator Obama, and everyone who, like him, saw a need in the community and took it by the horns rather than waiting until they got in a ‘position’ to do it. They saw a need and met that need. They made fun of community organizations like the NAACP, the SCLC, the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Iota Phi Theta, the sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho, as well as the illustrious Royal Blue family of Zeta Phi Beta Sigma. These are all community service organizations that do what they do because it needs to be done. These organizations and many more not listed here, don’t do what they do because they are receiving a government paycheck or recognition for that matter. They go to their respective jobs and then take time away from their families and lives to do what needs to be done in their communities JUST BECAUSE IT NEEDS OT BE DONE! While the BGLO’s wear different colors, were founded in different paces and on different days, they have a common foundational purpose, the innate desire of bettering their respective communities.

With this in mind, anyone who has worked as a community organizer should have been insulted when Rudy Guliani said, “…Barack Obama has never led anything, nothing, nada.” After quipping that he had experience as a community organizer. We should all be bothered by the fact that Sarah Palin, moose hunter extrordinairre, says, “…it’s not just a community and it just doesn’t need an organizer” as the gop guffawed their approval. What more is this country than one huge community? We are all Americans and we all have the same core values (for the most part) and what more does a president do than organize a cabinet, advisers, etc and assure that the country runs properly? Unless you’re GW, then you listen to the advisors and then do what you want to.

What I saw on that stage was a war cry…stirring the proverbial pot for continuing to fight in Iraq and the rest of that region; affirming that everyone in the convention center agrees that we’re winning the war on terror with the surge in Iraq. Let’s make this clear, the republicans keep stating that Obama will raise taxes. Anyone who knows anything about politics know that’s what democrats do. They create a bunch of social programs that help some people, cripple others and raise taxes to pay for them. However, what the republicans showed me the other night is that they will be raising taxes as well. They’ll keep us in a war that costs this country more in a month than Obama’s healthcare plan will cost us in a year. I’d rather find that than a war that no one knows why we’re fighting.

Furthermore, for this party to make fun of the grassroots, feet on the pavement warriors who go out every day and get things done, means they are not only making fun of those organizations I listed earlier, but let me introduce you to some others they are ridiculing.

  • Susan B. Anthony was a very well known leader in women’s suffrage. She played a very important role in the women's rights and was integral in securing women's right to vote in this country. In order to accomplish this, she didn’t get elected to town council or governor, she traveled and gave speeches, organizing the community behind a cause and a movement. Even after the right to vote was granted, she continued this effort for almost 45 years.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr, while he’s best known for his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech on the steps of the Lincoln, but he was a preacher and activist in addition to being a community organizer. His accomplishments are many and the impact on the lives of others is still felt today.
  • Cesar Estrada Chaves was a Mexican-American farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist as well as community organizer. He was one of the founders of the National Farm Workers Association. He worked with them as well as the Community Service Organization. Due to his work, many Latinos relish the right to vote and make their voices and votes count. His efforts achieved fair labor conditions and a fair working wage for migrant workers. His work was so well known that then Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (later to be attorney general) called him "one of the heroic figures of our time."
  • Dorothy Day was a journalist, social activist and devout member of the Catholic Church. She became known for her social justice campaigns in defense of the poor, forsaken, hungry and homeless. Day, with Peter Maurin, founded the Catholic Worker Movement in 1933, espousing nonviolence, and hospitality for the impoverished and downtrodden.
  • Mohandas Gandhi peacefully led the people of India in effort to acquire labor fairness, women's rights, and ethnic tolerance, and he helped secure the freedom of a nation. Wonder if anyone remembers him in that country?
  • Jesus Christ advocated for the poor, for the sick, for the socially excluded. His legacy continues to help provide people solace during their "quiet storms." His community helped found the religion known as Christianity. He said "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

When the republicans made fun of community leaders they further separated themselves from ‘real people’ with ‘real issues’. They fail to realize the importance of the inspiration these people bring to people in every community. They insulted the support base for one major community organizer in doing so as well.

  • Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton worked hard to galvanize a constituency behind her and put 18 million cracks in a glass ceiling, in doing so inspired millions of Americans, especially women, to realize that they can reach the highest level in all fields of life.

What they fail to realize is the fact that this country was founded by community organizers like Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson. Men who realized that the country should be run by citizens who ‘temporarily’ become lawmakers (hence George Washington’s short time as president), not by lifetime career politicians like McCain. People who make laws that benefit the country as a whole including the common man because they are the common man, not someone who has received a government check for over 30 years and has never had a regular job. They forget that the American way was forged by citizens who stepped out on faith and went against the status quo; people who set trends and forged paths; people who were relentless in their pursuit of justice, equality, and freedom. American was built on the backs of people who did what they did for a better America, not because they were paid to do it; but because those who were wouldn’t do it. This country was set firm due to the actions of a community activist who said, “If you hear the dogs…keep going. If you see thee torches…keep going; if they shout after you…keep going; don’t ever stop…keep going. If you want to taste freedom, you have to keep going." [Harriet Tubman]

I advised a friend that I still had not made up my mind who I’d vote for as we spoke last week. I said I was going to wait until after Barack’s speech at the close of the DNC and McCain’s at the close of the RNC so I could weigh the two evenly. Unfortunately, I lied. I made up my mind after hearing Palin’s speech and witnessing the fervor surrounding it. I fell asleep on McCain’s speech last night so what he did or did not say really played no role in my decision NOT to vote for him. You see, being one who has worked as a ‘community organizer’ and in several capacities, I still do, I desire to support a ticket that respects those in the community that actually do the work whether the camera is there or not. Those who not only do it for free, but those who make a difference and are under compensated for their efforts like the police, fire, teachers, and military men and women of this country.

I read somewhere that “…it's never really about the organizer; it's about the community...” and what more is America, than one huge community?

I’ve made my decision and will stick with it. You MUST make your own and get out and vote on November 4…I don’t care which you chose all I ask is that you choose wisely and choose whomever makes best sense for you AND America.

It’s just my opinion, but I’m not wrong!