Saturday, June 28, 2008

Illegals...what to do

What is Immigration Reform? How do we achieve this?

In recent days, this has been a subject of great debate. I received several emails in regards to the fact that Parkland Hospital births the second highest number of babies in the country; second only to its charity/county nemesis in Miami [Florida]. It’s unfortunate that we have the issue that we have in this country, one that can easily be solved if we weren’t such a capitalistic society. Unfortunately we look at the financial impact of the exploitation of these people. I think its bull to make this a racism issue; it’s even less plausible to argue that we need these criminals in our midst. Oh, don’t get it twisted, they are criminals. The PC term is undocumented immigrant, yea, and you can call stealing embezzlement, but the perpetrator of the act is still a thief. I heard it said, “There are no illegal humans” That’s a load of bull. You see, if you enter this country in a manner that is anything other than the manner that the laws of this country prescribe you are breaking the law. The definition of a criminal is one who breaks the law. If you continue to live in this criminal manner, you are an ILLEGAL, therefore there is such a thing as an illegal human. I watched as a group of illegal criminals held a rally in Dallas last year. One of these idiots even got on camera and said he had been in the country illegally for over 10 years; another child admitted that she was born here, but both her parents are illegal. THAT’S WHERE MY MAJOR ISSUE COMES IN…how can you exploit the constitution of the United States and call the ILLEGAL BABIES that are birthed to ILLEGAL ALIENS citizens?
You see, I eluded to Parkland Hospital and the level of births they have. More than 70% of the babies birthed out of that hospital are birthed to young unwed ILLEGAL ALIENS, birthing ILLEGAL BABIES that are then counted as citizens through the perversion of an amendment to the constitution that was created strictly for the inclusion of Native Americans, Chinese, and Black people. This amendment wasn’t authored to include the offspring of people who are breaking the law. These people come to this country, have babies in charity hospitals that are paid for with our tax dollars, then they are fed with our tax dollars through program like WIC, TANF, free lunch, etc. they fail to learn the language and culture, they send their kids to schools paid for with tax dollars, they call the police and fire when they have emergencies [each of these entities paid for with tax dollars]. They drive on streets, and highways that are paid for with tax dollars. All the while, they work jobs that pay them under the table [no income taxes] and send most of their money back to their homeland to the family they have left there. I’m sorry if this sounds heartless, but they are no less criminal than the moron who chooses to sell drugs because ‘I gotta feed my family.’ That’s a cop out and it’s a load of bull.
They made a conscience decision to come to this country, illegally, live in this country, illegally, partake of the advantages of this country, without contributing to it, and then cry foul when an arm of law enforcement enforces the laws they are breaking. I personally believe that the laws they are trying to implement in Farmers Branch ought to be the law of the land across this country. English ought to be our official language. Do you realize how much of our tax dollars are wasted every year in interpreters, signs, pamphlets, and the like that have to be printed in several languages because people come here and choose not to learn the language. I’m not suggesting that they forget their culture, just respect the one you live in. You can’t name one other country in the world where you can go and not know their language and live without learning their language. We, like fools, adapt to those who come in rather than requiring them to adapt to us. I have an idea; let’s round up all of the illegals in the United States, no matter where they are form. Whether they are on an expired visa, snuck across the border, or whatever the case; round them up and drop them off at the border. Whether in Canada or Mexico is irrelevant, we just drop them at the closest border. Forget all of these detention centers where we house them, feed them, etc for months on end then spend funds to fly them back to where they came from. We didn’t help them get here, so why pay to send them back. Drop them off at the nearest border and let them make their way home the same way they made their way here.
Does this sound cruel? How about this? We add up the value of all of the public services the average tax paying citizen uses in a given year and multiply that amount by the number of years they have been here and make that amount their fine. Then after they pay the fine, they still have to go through the legal process to b admitted to the country. If they choose not to pay the fine, they are ejected form the country ad barred from ever returning [even for a visit] because they aren’t trustworthy enough to visit and leave [they’ve shown that]. Do you realize how many of our country’s ills could be cured by the effective ejection of ILLEGAL ALIENS from this country? Let’s see…school overcrowding would be nonexistent, especially in California, Texas, and Florida. Our finances for school expansion wouldn’t be used as much, therefore freeing up funds for more educational programs for the children of tax payers [citizens] and teacher pay raises/incentives. School transportation wouldn’t be as imperative, fewer kids, less need for buses, therefore freeing up more money for use in educating the children of tax paying citizens. Less wear and tear on the roads means less funds being spent to repair, replace, and improve them. The infrastructure of the country would greatly benefit from this as well. You see, it’s not about Mexicans, El Salvadorans, Columbians, Ecuadorans, or any other person of Hispanic descent. It’s simply about what’s right and what’s wrong.
Some have asked who’ll cut your lawn. Who’ll build your homes? Who’ll clean your businesses/homes? If these are good excuses for allowing people to break the law, then why did we ever abolish slavery?

It’s just my opinion, but I’m not wrong!!!