Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who's She Trying to Fool?

We've all seen and heard all there is to see and hear with regard to the Democratic Party’s selection process and how they are STILL dealing with two presidential hopefuls. I have a question for "the other candidate"...Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. She sat in the smoke-filled rooms several years ago as a decisions maker with the Democratic Party and aided them in putting together a process that would assist the party in choosing their nominee for the election in November against whomever the republicans chose as their sacrificial lamb. However, since this race began and she wound up in the role of the underdog, she has done all that she can to circumvent the very process she helped construct. This last gaffe is just one in a series of blunders, screw-up’s and mistakes that she has committed that have driven people away from her and embittered those who are sticking with her. Even some of her most staunch supporters are most likely sitting in the audience as she makes her pseeches whispering to one another and asking the qieston, "Can she really win?" or "How's she going to pull this off?"
She has done everything from have her husband state that black people only voted for Barack Obama because he's black to releasing photos of him in an African garb to fuel the rumors of his religious beliefs. Many have forgiven her of these. Then she had imaginary sniper fire in Bosnia that she irresponsibly took her daughter into on a good will trip to the country. [Yeah right] Many forgave her if this as well. However, I cannot and shall not overlook the statement that she made on several occasions that came out this past Friday. She basically stated that she's waiting around to see if Barack gets assassinated, like Bobby Kennedy did. The she'll become the nominee of the party. No matter how you spin, twist, or turn it, that's what she implied. Then after being called on it she simply states, "...if this offended the Kennedy family, that wasn't my intention." Not even saying I apologize, I'm sorry, or anything else that would indicate that she was even remorseful that she made the inference toward the senator.
Now, to take attention away from that 'Slick Willie' is out on the stump reiterating what Hillary has been stating for the last few weeks. She can win in November against McCain. She is ahead in polls; she has more white people voting for her...blah, blah, blah. All of these accusations, inferences, innuendo and crap is going to cause a major issue in this country come November. Many, like me have stated emphatically, that they would have no problem voting for Hillary should she become the nominee of the party. Even after careful scrutiny, the platforms of Obama and Clinton don’t have much difference between them. However, their tactics are where the differentiation comes in. This race has shown exactly how they will and would react in time of crisis. She pulls out all the stops and gets down and dirty, even underhanded while not seeing reality. He keeps a cool head and calculates his next move in accordance with what he believes his opponent’s shall be. Which do you want running this country at this time next year? Should she gain the favor of the party and become the nominee against the votes of the people, I would hate to waste a vote on Nader, but I would have to. I couldn't have someone like that as my leader.
Hillary is on a path to assure that McCain will be our next president. She’s giving directives to her supporters not to vote for Obama should he win the nomination of the party. She’s ostracizing those who support him referring to them as turncoats and Benedict Arnold (i.e. Richards); she’s doing all she can to tear the party apart using the victim card and inferring that she’s not getting the same press, respect, or treatment because she’s a woman. What’s next? Will they accuse the ‘Obama people’ of being racist? That brings up another question. Why is it when I watched the news the other night when they were talking about the race and referenced Clinton’s ‘camp’ and Obama’s ‘people?’ Hmmm…I guess I’ll close with that.

It's Just My Opinion, But I'm Not Wrong!